He's just pulling data out of his Bitcoin Core node (which is the official name according to bitcoin.org, well its on the website when you go to download the wallet)
Then he has written a Telegram bot to display the info which, whether it is useful or not, looks like this:
Downloaded: 1252 MB
Uploaded: 7864 MB
Connections: 13
Onion address: b..y.onion:8333
Onion service score: 167
Node earnings: 0.00187944 BTC (13.8 GBP)
bip34 buried,true 7yr 10mo ago
bip65 buried,true 4yr 9mo ago
bip66 buried,true 5yr 3mo ago
csv buried,true 4yr 2mo ago
segwit buried,true 3yr 0mo ago
Tx feerate 10 min: 71.7 sat/byte
Tx feerate 1 hrs: 71.7 sat/byte
Tx feerate 6 hrs: 41.9 sat/byte
Tx feerate 12 hrs: 18.1 sat/byte
Tx feerate 1 day: 1.2 sat/byte
Tx feerate 3 days: 1.1 sat/byte
Mempool: 46291 Tx / 40218 KB
Difficulty: 17345948872516.06
Difficulty target: 124 EH/s
1w: 112 (10%)
2w: 112 (10%)
1mo: 112 (10%)
3mo: 114 (8%)
Difficulty change ETA: 9d:9h:30m (1353 blocks)
Network hashrate: 100 EH/s
1d: 108 (-7%)
1w: 124 (-19%)
1mo: 93 (7%)
3mo: 112 (-10%)
There doesn't seem to be any ulterior motive for his choice of wording as far as I can tell.