Crypto sphere is like a hell to some now,but i want to encourage everyone caught up in the pool of loss that you can start all over again.The level of dip we’ve had in this bear market has cost a lot of people almost everything they have worked for.I know many are at the point of giving up and turning their back on crypto sphere,believe me you can start all over again.The ability to rise when you fall is all you need to get back on your feet again.In life,every challenges comes with opportunity.If you can search deep,even in this bear market,crypto sphere is full of opportunity that can get you back on your feet,it is only a matter of time.I believe you can start all over again.
The best thing to do now is to take the opportunity while on the dip, what i mean is that buy a good coin which you think you can make money in the long run, for example bitcoin, we know that this is the lowest price as of now, and its continue to fall, so rather take the chance by buying coins, which is best performing as we think, dont just cry watching the bloody market, use this chance to buy more.