-how's it going when it goes to your daily life?
Hmmm, boredom as usual bro, though the stay at hone has been yielding good results for me and the entire family because of my new career in cryptocurrency and hope the lockdown be extend again for more achievement.
-how's it going when it comes to your social life?
Am a type who don't make real life friends base on my past experiences in life. Categorically, am doing great socially as everything tend to move in positive direction.
And lastly...
-how's it going when it comes to your gambling life?
am very much careful with myself in order to maintain my promised to myself and my family that: funds meant for the family use won't be use again for gambling. Am now a repentant gambler.
So what do you think? Do it really had a big difference?
Yea, a big difference bro, the above statements are true live stories.