Well if you use those prohibited drugs (at least for our country) for medical purpose I think there should not be any problem at all about that, however if you use those drugs just for mere pleasure and enjoyment then that's was the time when the problem occur , not only you will be affected but the people surrounding you as well because the more you use it all the more you will be dependent on it , so as early as today if aside from medical purpose please dont use any of those drugs.
Tell me what the negative affects are for me and those around me if I take psilocybin mushrooms, other than going to jail of course? This is illegal.
Now tell me the negative effects of being prescribed oxycontin by my doctor, and starting to take it. This is legal.
If taking these drugs can lead to addiction, then it is dangerous for you. The government cares about that its citizens were healthy both physically and mentally. Therefore, such drugs are prohibited.
I'm against having them in a shared access. After all, they can buy children with fragile psyche
I agree with you. The government cares with its people, futher they do this to atleast lessen crimes that often times caused by drug addiction. They knew exactly what wil happen if these drugs were abused by its people. That is perhaps there were drugs that needs prescription because of the addictive substance it have as well as causing side effects. Studies were made to prohibit drugs reasonably.
Why did you both respond to my post with specific questions, with a generic answer? Because you have no clue about the difference between drugs whether legal or illegal. You have no clue which drugs do harm and which don't. Google is here for you, use it. I understand being ignorant in 1970, but you have the internet to do research and there's no excuse for ignorance anymore.
You don't know that most deaths happen from LEGAL tobacco. You don't know the 2nd most deaths happen from LEGAL alcohol. You don't know the 3rd most deaths come from LEGAL prescription drugs. Now tell me how much the government cares about you? And I'm not saying any of those should be made illegal, but you are both talking some misinformed garbage.
Psychedelics are not addictive at all - yet they're illegal. You're main concern about drug addiction doesn't apply here, so tell me what the government is doing to keep this illegal? Who are they caring so much about?