This is actually quite scary when you realize the significance of the information being displayed here.
Basically, with a bit of cyber stalking, you'll be able to gather information about each person with an active Zeitcoin wallet. You can go through each address, survey each home network, and if you can find an IP with a machine with poor security and an un-encrypted wallet (or several), the person is basically primed to being pick-pocketed.
Basically, just by virtue of having a wallet, you are broadcasting the fact that you HAVE a wallet, and making yourself a potential target. Now if you have decent security and keep up to date on your patches, you'll *probably* be passed up in favor of an easier target (and there are FAR too many of those). But do you REALLY want a cyber pick-pocket (or worse) to even survey your IP and machine in the first place? What if someone decided they wanted to continually DDoS the Zeitcoin network just by targeting nodes as they pop up, esp if they have hundreds of thousands of even millions of machines at their beck and call?
The point is, I think it's a huge security flaw to even have raw IP information floating around in the first place. Yes, it's just IP information associated with a Wallet version, but that's just the starting point.
What i'm wondering is, is there any way you could route the node information through the Tor network so that you can't ID any particular person with a wallet? Or even have the wallet spoof a fake IP and mac address to the rest of the network? Can this be hard-coded into the wallet as an optional upgrade until the next mandatory upgrade?
Maybe I'm over reacting, but I don't like the idea that my IP address is basically being "outed" and broadcast to the rest of the internet for anyone to see (if they know where to look), just because I have my wallet on and securing the network. I think as a stakeholder securing the Zeitcoin network, I am owed a bit more protection!
Even thru , I am probably one of the most paranoid in all of the forums, you are over reacting.
All coins have to broadcast an IP so they can form a network, no way around it by any coin.
Best security is always to have a router or a PC acting as a router connected directly to the modem and the Zeit PC behind their firewall. If you have coins Keep your Wallet Encrypted.
Alot of people like to think Tor is safe,
Tor is not hidden from the people you really want it to be hidden from.
Tor was originally developed in the mid-1990s by United States Naval Research Laboratory.
In 2004, the Naval Research Laboratory released the code for Tor under a free licence, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) began funding Dingledine and Mathewson to continue its development.
If you think they released it and don't have a way to intercept & decode every single packet, then I have a virtual bridge I would like to sell you.
(Zeit only accepted form of Payment.) you want to hide your IP , options are an out of country VPN, or get yourself a VPS that you remote into, or only using a laptop at internet cafes. But just to really make you paranoid, goto command prompt and run ipconfig /all , you see that line that says Physical Address . There is a database that links that address with your specific model PC and even serial #. So if you paid for that laptop with a credit card and did something illegal at a internet cafe, they can track that ip back to the cafe, check the router logs, and see your network card physical address, they then check the database and be waiting for you at home. And you can thank J edgar , because all the trackings started with his administration's prompting and got worse from there.
Here is some IP info for you. is why a router with firewall in-between your Zeit PC offers more protection.
You want a private IP of 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x .