Liquidity is more of a concern to sellers than buyers. Buyers will naturally migrate to the market with the lowest price at the moment they wish to ever the lowest price is at craptsy. Currently Zeit is 28% cheaper at craptsy than at either of the BTC markets. The lowest price is ALWAYS at craptsy, because that market is being held down by a bot. Coincidentally or not so coincidentally that's also the market that sets the price of ZeitCoin and the other markets follow. The only good thing about the fake price action at craptsy is that the spreads are artificially kept low.
Craptsy is again malfunctioning btw, there's a bid and ask posted at the same price point. Their software has done this regularly for months...if not years. It's really a very poorly run exchange.
Liquidity is also an issue for buyers as well. If I can spike the price 70% just using a 2 BTC investment, and I see that there's no real liquidity on the ask side............well any smart investor would think twice before buying in to any significant degree.
Similarly, low liquidity in every market is a problem for our coin in general, for the reason that it makes our coin vulnerable to pump-and-dump. We don't want it to be easy to "pump" the price of Zeitcoin any more than we want it to be easy to "dump" those same coins. After all, maybe the "dumpers" are people who accepted the coin as payment, and now they need to liquidate it for LTC and from LTC to fiat currency just to be able to pay bills. If we as knights are not rich enough to absorb 5 Billion zeitcoins worth of volume at 10 satoshi (500 BTC), then 10 satoshi is clearly too high.
Low liquidity, both on the ask and the bid side, is bad for us if we don't want to be subject to pump and dump. It is better in the longer term to have high volume and high liquidity in a narrow price range, then low liquidity and volume in a wide price range (even if that price range is higher than the narrow one). The higher the volume and liquidity, the more protected Zeitcoin will be against these price swings.