JaredKaragen I noticed on github you where updating the pool and getting things related to the pool and seeing cards at there pstate.
Question is ... is there a way to get the high end nvidia cards like the 980ti 970 gtx to " permanently " stay in the p0 state no matter what...like a crash or reboot or just idling? Thx
Ps I know how to set the cards to the p0 state so I can overclock the memory ... but to keep them there.
I don't understand why nvidia did this..the 750ti stays there.
The best I can do is get it to sit in the P2 state....
I use NvidiaInspector.exe (common available tool via a google search) to view the P states, and I use NVPManagerUni-1.01 for changing the power state profile.
I think the custom BIOS in my ASUS card may not allow P0 state in anything but "desktop rendering" mode... because that's the ONLY place I can get it to be in P0. The second I launch any app that uses the CUDA library, it automatically drops into P2; no matter what choices I try to apply in the NV-profile-manager.
Sometimes my card will wig out (usually after a driver crash recovery, or viewing a flash video) and only want to sit in P5 or P8; whcih cuts my hashrate into 1/3 or less than normal.
If you find a solution I am all ears...
I still havent tried linux; because I depend on special software (unrelated) that's windows native compatible only; so I need it to remain a windows box.