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Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
Electroneum Mining is live! in Altcoin Discussion
Electroneum Mining is live! by
You can now mine electorneum using CPU miner and GPU miner.More info and guide o…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 01, 2024, 03:13:56 AM | ||
Spectrocoin vende buoni per BTC-DASH-XEM-ETH in Italiano (Italian)
Spectrocoin vende buoni per BTC-DASH-XEM-ETH by
Ragazzi, ho appena notato che dal proprio account spectrocoin è possibile compra…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 03, 2024, 03:13:24 PM | ||
HitBTC is probably scamming all their customers: prepare for a scamexit in Exchanges
HitBTC is probably scamming all their customers: prepare for a scamexit by
Just look at all the comments on their facebook page (and i too have a withdrawa…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 02, 2024, 03:10:11 PM | ||
!!ATTENTION!!! Electroneum Accounts Hacked! Check yours in Altcoin Discussion
!!ATTENTION!!! Electroneum Accounts Hacked! Check yours by
Accounts hacked. more info on ETN forum to check your account:.http://electrone…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 01, 2024, 06:55:42 PM | ||
Minare Bitcoin Gold su minergate in Alt-Currencies (Italiano)
Minare Bitcoin Gold su minergate by
Qualcuno sa da quando sarà possibile iniziare a minare Bitcoin Gold da minergate…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 30, 2024, 11:25:59 AM | ||
Which coins have a decreasing circulating amount over time? in Altcoin Discussion
Which coins have a decreasing circulating amount over time? by
I know that Ripples get destroyed after each transaction (a very tiny amount), a…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 26, 2024, 03:48:08 AM | ||
VictrixCoin e i 5000Doge regalati. ma paga davvero? in Alt-Currencies (Italiano)
VictrixCoin e i 5000Doge regalati. ma paga davvero? by
Salve ragazzi, mi sono registrato a VictrixCoin ed effettivamente sul conto vedo…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 27, 2024, 10:03:23 PM | ||
Se faccio acquisti in bitcoin, sono davvero anonimo? in Italiano (Italian)
Se faccio acquisti in bitcoin, sono davvero anonimo? by
Ma è vera la storia dell'anonimato quando si comprano oggetti con bitcoin?Faccio…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 02, 2024, 04:57:11 AM | ||
Electroneum broke the record as the largest telegram group in history in Altcoin Discussion
Electroneum broke the record as the largest telegram group in history by
ETN broke the record: largest telegram group ever. Telegram had to raise its cap…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | October 19, 2024, 01:13:45 AM | ||
Top 400 altcoins: how many have a real use case and real tech? in Altcoin Discussion
Top 400 altcoins: how many have a real use case and real tech? by
Take the first 400 coins and tokens on coinmarket cap.You can pretty much see tw…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 01, 2024, 07:22:56 AM | ||
SCAM ALERT ON ELECTRONEUM! Ether Delta trying to sell fake coins in Altcoin Discussion
SCAM ALERT ON ELECTRONEUM! Ether Delta trying to sell fake coins by
Link to forum thread:…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 05, 2022, 09:43:31 PM | ||
Gaming oriented Coins. Wich do you think is the best? in Altcoin Discussion
Gaming oriented Coins. Wich do you think is the best? by
1st blood, electorneum, Enjin These are 3 gaming oriented coins (well electroneu…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 01, 2024, 04:33:10 AM | ||
Tasse sul "rendimento" di bitcoin investiti (non plusvalenza di compravendita) in Italiano (Italian)
Tasse sul "rendimento" di bitcoin investiti (non plusvalenza di compravendita) by
Salve a tutti. Ho letto con interesse la discussione sulla dichiarazione dei red…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 01, 2024, 11:59:45 AM | ||
BREAKING NEWS: EU decided to outlaw anonymous cryptocurrency transactions in Bitcoin Discussion
BREAKING NEWS: EU decided to outlaw anonymous cryptocurrency transactions by
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 01, 2024, 11:57:15 PM | ||
Electroneum is now officially bigger than Ethereum in Altcoin Discussion
Electroneum is now officially bigger than Ethereum by
No, I am not talking about total market cap, but about popularity and mass adopt…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 03, 2024, 04:14:41 PM | ||
ELECTRONEUM: they released the first video about the ETN videgoame to mine coins in Altcoin Discussion
ELECTRONEUM: they released the first video about the ETN videgoame to mine coins by
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 02, 2024, 07:19:11 AM | ||
Mining Bitcoin Gold on minergate in Service Discussion (Altcoins)
Mining Bitcoin Gold on minergate by
Minergate announced the Bitcoin Gold mining on its software. Does anybody know a…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 03, 2024, 04:37:04 PM | ||
POW easy airdrop, free tokens to any twitter and Facebook account in Speculation (Altcoins)
POW easy airdrop, free tokens to any twitter and Facebook account by
For anyone intersted POW is giving away free pow tokens to anyone just by signin…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 03, 2024, 06:09:59 PM | ||
Real-time list of Stores and Shops accepting ETN in Altcoin Discussion
Real-time list of Stores and Shops accepting ETN by
Iamlegit4sure this website. it shows where you can spen…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 03, 2024, 12:44:48 PM | ||
Are coins accepted by the Exodus wallet a safe(r) bet? in Altcoin Discussion
Are coins accepted by the Exodus wallet a safe(r) bet? by
Since the Exodus team studies and throughly evaluate the coin before accepting i…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 29, 2024, 04:44:55 PM | ||
Come si dimostra che i proventi da bitcoin sono leciti e non riciclaggio? in Italiano (Italian)
Come si dimostra che i proventi da bitcoin sono leciti e non riciclaggio? by
Salve a tutti, vi porto un esempio pratico con relativa domanda.Se io nel 2010 h…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 26, 2024, 03:16:51 AM | ||
C'è un Miner tipo minergate facile da usare per minare diversi altcoins? in Mining (Italiano)
C'è un Miner tipo minergate facile da usare per minare diversi altcoins? by
Come dice la domanda, io finora ho trovato solo minergate. I Miner classici sono…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 28, 2024, 08:57:04 PM | ||
Exchange in cui è possibile depositare EUR con sepa/bonifico ? in Italiano (Italian)
Exchange in cui è possibile depositare EUR con sepa/bonifico ? by
Ok, prima che viarrabbiate, il tasto search NON FUNZIONA, quindi non posso fare…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 02, 2024, 11:36:49 AM | ||
Qualcuno ha mai avuto guai a causa di Bitcoin/cripto? in Italiano (Italian)
Qualcuno ha mai avuto guai a causa di Bitcoin/cripto? by
Apriamo un piccolo spaccato di vita privata,se vi va. Ovviamente rimanendo tutti…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 20, 2024, 08:00:07 PM | ||
ELECTRONEUM is rank 26 on coinmarketcap! and hasn't even launched yet in Altcoin Discussion
ELECTRONEUM is rank 26 on coinmarketcap! and hasn't even launched yet by
ETN is number 26 rank in coinmarketcap with a cap of $245.619.177 and hasn't eve…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 01, 2024, 10:53:06 PM | ||
Do you judge a coin/token/project by their website? in Altcoin Discussion
Do you judge a coin/token/project by their website? by
Pretty simple question. At the moment 99.999% of new coins tokens and crypto pro…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 03, 2024, 11:44:39 AM | ||
Migliore banca italiana per aprire conto corrente ed incassare da exchanges? in Italiano (Italian)
Migliore banca italiana per aprire conto corrente ed incassare da exchanges? by
Come dice il titolo, attualmente, secondo voi, qual'è la migliore banca per apri…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 26, 2024, 01:21:51 AM | ||
Ma il mining configura reddito da lavoro? in Mining (Italiano)
Ma il mining configura reddito da lavoro? by
Se minando (ad esempio altcoins che in futuro potrebbero acquisire enomre valore…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 28, 2024, 10:10:26 AM | ||
Truffa di ETHER DELTA: cercano di vendere falsi Electroneum in Accuse scam/truffe
Truffa di ETHER DELTA: cercano di vendere falsi Electroneum by
Iamlegit4sure te…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 30, 2024, 01:15:44 PM | ||
Electroneum sarà una fork di Monero in Alt-Currencies (Italiano)
Electroneum sarà una fork di Monero by
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 30, 2024, 04:35:58 PM | ||
CriptoValute e tasse: una "proposta" per la futura regolamentazione. in Italiano (Italian)
CriptoValute e tasse: una "proposta" per la futura regolamentazione. by
Non nascondiamocelo, prima o poi le criptovalute verranno tassate in maniera chi…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | November 27, 2024, 11:50:10 PM | ||
Help: suggest a Gui Miner easy to use in Mining (Altcoins)
Help: suggest a Gui Miner easy to use by
Is there any easy to use Miner to mine multiple altcoins (like minergate, instal…
n/a | Iamlegit4sure | December 02, 2024, 08:32:39 PM |