ребзи, развейте мечты хомяка пожалуйста, нода в лайтинге дает какой-то roi ? где почитать можно,спасибо
https://steemit.com/lightning/@coinsity/a-guide-to-make-money-with-bitcoin-lightning-network-nodesFor each payment channel there will be two transactions sent to the blockchain, as you say, for opening and closing it. I'm not sure of the exact specifics of the lightning network, but I don't know where you are getting four writes to the blockchain. It should just be two: open a channel, close a channel, and do as many LN transactions as you want in between.
The LN fee they are talking about is not the opening and closing writes to the blockchain. Those are just normal Bitcoin transaction fees, separate from LN fees.
From what I understand the LN will be a somewhat decentralized system of large nodes that process the transactions. Every time you send a transaction inside of a payment channel on the LN you have to pay a fee to these nodes that route the transactions through the LN, this is how the nodes make money. But because the LN is a more centralized network than the bitcoin network, and it doesn't involve computing incredibly expensive hashes to confirm transactions, the cost of routing payments through the LN is very cheap. It won't be free, but it should be very cheap. Credit Card companies take usually around 3% fee, I read Joseph Poon say at some point that LN transaction fee will be percent based (instead of data size based like blockchain) but the fee will be less than 1%, maybe even as cheap as 0.1%.
Additional thoughts:
Assuming merchants eat the transaction fee as they do for credit card fees, it will save merchants a lot of money (>2%). Note however that for large Bitcoin purchases just doing a standard blockchain transaction will be cheaper than using the LN. Even with current transaction fees, if you pay $1000 for something with Bitcoin with a $5 fee, if LN has a 0.5% fee then it'd also be a $5 LN fee, so using those hypothetical numbers that would be the break even point where $1000 use normal bitcoin transaction. LN is meant for many small purchases and will be much cheaper than Bitcoin when you use it for many small everyday purchases.
https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/62303/how-come-the-lightning-network-creators-believe-the-fees-will-be-zeroт.е. ты устанавливаешь плату за транзакции через свою ноду, привлекаешь людей - зарабатываешь транзакции. чем популярней нода, тем больше профита. чем меньше плата за транзакции, тем популярнее нода. как-то так.