In response to the previous comment, should be ranked as F.Check out their official thread,running a fake promo lottery with terrible odds and false promotions to attract attention.To add,they're run by the same agencies running most of the mentioned above D rated websites.People are simply enjoying the few satoshi's paid by the agency to attract more attention.To be honest,not sure why you have rated as bad,they're the best bitcoin based sports betting sites ever.Period.
Thanks for the info on and it will be looked into.
With DirectBet, the player made a 50 ETH parlay bet at "best available odds". The bet was received and confirmed at odds of 3.32. The bet won and DirectBet didn't pay the winnings.
I would like to clarify, as I believe my circumstance is a pretty grey area. However, I still feel that they SHOULD pay.
DirectBet has always paid me ALL confirmed bets/odds. This specific instance went as follows:
- I sent 3 x 50 ETH chunks to the bet ID
- First two got confirmed no problem
- Last transaction was in limbo for hours. After my 2 events won, I finally got a response to multiple e-mails stating that there was an error on their side that didn't confirm the odds in the book
- I believe they should pay out and honor the bet on the last 50 ETH because the parlay was in a winning state. My logic is that if I had sent another 50 ETH while the 50 ETH was in limbo, it's possible that I could over extend my risk tolerance and all 200 ETH could be confirmed minutes before the first game started. In this case, DirectBet would tell me that I'm shit out of luck. Once an event starts, then you're SOL
I would like to clarify that I've wagered a LOT of money at DirectBet at this point. They've been slow to respond. But never NOT pay out CONFIRMED winnings.
Peeps Place, as much as I hate to say it, and as much as I truly believe they should pay out the winnings on my parlay because the 50 ETH was in limbo and in their hands, I think we should make sure that people know the truth and have all of the facts.
DirectBet, according to THEIR own rules, did no wrong. But, this is really a grey area and puts the bettor (me) at risk when this happens. The system is flawed because of the blockchain use IMO...
I want the truth to come out on both sides. DirectBet has been invited to join the thread.
I looked into the case and you made a bet at best odds. DirectBet confirmed the bet and gave you odds of 3.32. I don't see this as being a grey area.
If this case was taken to an arbitrator that understood gambling, I believe 100% that they would rule in your favor. All that's needed is the confirmed ticket.
You are a very honest guy. You sent an email to DirectBet one hour before the start of the first game. What DirectBet did is free roll you. Unscrupulous books will do this.