Can you show me an example of Islamic literature calling blacks/aboriginal tribes "savages" that would be "exterminated" by the "superior" white races?
That would be quite bizarre. There are references to the superiority of Muslims over non-Muslims, and of Muslim Men over Muslim Women. Obviously you know this and don't care. But superiority of the "white races"? Why are you fixated on skin color? By the way, there are Muslims of all colors, and Islamophiles of all colors. This is one reason I said Islam is a terrorist meme, not a terrorist gene.
There are also lots of Muslims who discriminate on the basis of skin color. Here's an interesting passage from Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book
Infidel describing her time as a child living in Saudi Arabia. (She's from Somalia.) The passage is talking about how her mother would walk them to and from school.
She hated having to go out without a man, hated being hissed at by men on the street, stared at with insolence. All the Somalis told stories about women who had been accosted on the street, driven away, dumped on the roadside hours later, or simply never seen again. To be a woman on her own was bad enough. To be a foreigner, and moreover a black foreigner, meant you were barely human, unprotected: fair game.
I highly recommend her writings. It's sad that she has to live in constant fear and sad how she's eventually going to be murdered.
If you think you are siding against racists by siding with Islamophiles, you are not. You are siding with some of the worst most hateful racists in the world. You are siding with people who make the KKK look like cub scouts.