How could anyone believe that a sharia court is in Texas? We all know that only happens in Kentucky.
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I was confused by your post at first, then I saw the picture and went "Oh, I see what you did there"
Yes, I see what he did there too. He decided to be a dumb asshole, as usual. Well, in between the time he spends making excuses for the barbaric religions he favors.
Sure there's a voice for Shariah Law in the U.S. For example, there's CAIR and various other Islamic groups. But that's not what you mean is it? Under Shariah Law in much of the world today homosexuals are murdered, thrown off buildings, hung, crucified. Somehow you seem more concerned about a Christian woman in Kentucky who wouldn't sign a document. You find that more offensive. Do you know why? I do.
Uganda is a Christian nation that kills the gays as well. Yes, a large portion of the world is messed up. The focus is on the nation that brags about freedom and equality.
For RodeoX and the many other Islamophiles on this forum it's never about bad things in the Islamic world and always about bad things in the Western World. Do you know why? I do.
Me too.
Because throughout history, since it's inception, The United States has always tried to maintain it's position as the Global Police, lecturing other nations about morality. Even before their establishment, The British Empire believed in their God given right to expand Westward (Manifest Destiny) and the fact that Non-White people were in fact sub-human, and it was a burden put down on the white man by God himself to "civilize" these "savage" races.
No such pattern has been found in any other country.
You should read more about the expansion of the Islamic world in its early history.
Why? We're talking about The United States, present day here. Not the Islamic world a few centuries ago.