chubby going head to head with DandT... I wonder who is going to win this...
All of his logical fallacies boil down to an inability to understand the difference between variance and expected return. It is possible for simultaneously hopping to provide a significant increase to expected return AND have variance make measuring that difficulty in the short term.
He even thought your statement about variance over 1 week was some kind of evidence that hopping has reduced real world returns.
Honestly it isn't worth the time. He knows everything and anyone who disagrees has less experience than him.
On this, you are wrong! That is my only argument...the truth...
"It is possible for simultaneously hopping" How can you mine two pools at the sometime? Even slicing, which I think is confusing you, mines a slice here and there (multiple pools) but in consecutive slices and not lowest share count always wins. You can only use your hash power one share on one pool at a time.
"He even thought your statement about variance over 1 week was some kind of evidence that hopping has reduced real world returns" where is the quote? That is apple and oranges... variance and evidence of hopping? Really? Your reading comprehension is not as good as your math...sorry...I am sure you are a great guy, but please be more specific or maybe not complain about hoping on a prop thread that encourages hopping...who is the troll?
"He knows everything and anyone who disagrees has less experience than him." Sorry, I am interesting in talking shop about hopping on a prop thread or stating "I don't understand the current payment strategy," which A1 and answered directly. It is not a pissing contest, just tell me something that makes sense, can be proved, or state a correction in that fashion.
"chubby going head to head with DandT... I wonder who is going to win this..." IF we are keeping count, you haven't returned the ball yet...:0 (kidding, lighten up) I don't think I am smarter than you, just looking for a rational argument and you have to admit "It is possible for simultaneously hopping" was a poor choice of words and would, in effect, multiply your hash rate. But, that is not hopping and you can't mine in parallel...agree? I think you meant mine prop pools consecutively? Seriously, from real world experiences and the current universe of true (not scored) prop pools, it is not nearly enough hopping opportunity to reach to make that a significant of a difference, like 175% -200% averages?
si·mul·ta·ne·ous (sml-tn-s, sml-)
1. Happening, existing, or done at the same time. score: DT said "What opportunity cost? Worst case scenario no pool is ever below the hop point (impossible)" Goat, think you ever use a back up pool? Very possible! Plus, only one pool offers 100% PPS with 0% fee...MT. Red and just started offering it. I do agree that mining multiple pools in your hopper, (not, hehe) your efficiency will increase, but not nearly like you "think!" +1
Don't be so lazy DnT...could have just looked it up:
opportunity cost
(Economics) Economics the benefit that could have been gained from an alternative use of the same resource, you were thinking you could mine in parallel...