The demo plan is that I will:
A) connect it to a non-routable development side of the pool, so that the box is unable to communicate with the internet. I will then let it submit shares to the pool and I will have one of the getwork servers in debug mode and I will see what is sent out and what's sent back. As I found no evidence of any wireless communications on the board, and since the computer it's connected to will not be on the internet, it won't have any way of falsifying the shares submitted.
B) I will take a unit home that evening, disassemble and take more robust pictures. I will NOT be removing any heat sinks, however.
C) I will do further testing that evening on my own with a packet analyzer to see what packets are being transmitted, when and where they are going and coming from.
That's the plan as of right now, at any rate.
Please make sure at some point during the actual mining you run it on a power meter so you can get a measurement under actual mining load.
There are various ways to fake this sort of thing and match one of {rate,power} but not both. (e.g. you could use a big-fast-expensive FPGA to get 1GH/s, but if they did that they couldn't deliver on their advertised price)
Yeah, I forgot to mention that specifically... but in the initial pictures, I had some pics of the Kill-A-Watt meter, but the flash blanked out the LCD screen on it. I will have the Kill-A-Watt and take a better picture while it's in operation.
Inaba, regarding the driver used to control this box, is it a simple user-space USB driver packaged into the program we can see running on your laptop in the last two picture you posted?
I'd very much like to take a look at the source code. I don't expect to see anything revolutionary, as anything they don't want out can be hidden in the firmware on the device. I'm just really curious to see how its built, and especially so if it requires a kernel driver, which would be more of a pain to get working on ARM.
I actually mis-spoke a bit, I think, when I called it a driver. It's actually the mining software used to run it... it uses the standard USB driver already present for basic IO. To my knowledge, they will be releasing the source to the whole thing (it's GPL'd I believe, so they'd have to release it if anyone asked anyway).