You can't stop them from using, internet has become a necessity nowadays, it will make people smarter as they can get instant information they like, as a father, you just have to ensure that you guide your kids, educate them on how to properly use the internet, and not preventing them from using it, just saying.
I got the point, appreciate it.
Just a badly worded part on me, should be: I'm forbidding them not to use gadgets if they're just be going around in social media. I know the beauty of internet (this i were I mostly learned all my skills), we can learn everything here in we're using it in a deeply manner. And I don't want them not to see that.
BTW, I can't find the scandal online, maybe it was already deleted and that's good.
Yeah, even the lady newly created twitter account has been now deleted. But were on the internet so it's just out there, probably.