It doesn't really live on air for hours, it just has particles that can stay in a place for hours, however that is usually docile because the biggest one is still contact with human. We should learn the virus we are fighting, there are ways you can get virus a lot easier and there are ways that is harder to get the virus, one of the easiest ways is human contact intimately, so when you kiss someone that is a very high chance, but when you have corona and cough on a phone for example and put it down, 5 hours later someone else picks it up, can they get it?
Certainly they may, but it is a much much lower chance. NBA is postponed literally because of this, since players contact each other all the time, everyone pushes each other, dunks on each other, steals and dribbles and whatever, so there is just waaaay too many contact to continue.
The longest period for this virus to live when it is on a metal/handrails etc. next would be on fabric and 5 minutes if it would be on human hands.I didnt know that this one could live on air but i believe it would be on the surface where those droplets stick in not literally airborne.
I cant see any possible way to stop this but to strictly implement to stay home and wont hang out even with your team and as you said this is fast when theres human to human transmission.
This pandemic wont stop if people would recognize on what things are the appropriate to be done.Self-discipline is one of the issue.