Ginebra -4.5
Magnolia -3.5...
I'm just wondering why Magnolia is only -3.5 after a dominant performance in the first game.
Are we going to see a trap here?
It seems that ginebra is getting the crowd here and also ginebra is the favorite team ever in the history of Philippine basketball association. Even though That magnolia has a dominant performance still that ginebra has a bigger amount of bets than magnolia. I think it also that we will see a trap here, as for now all we need is to observe.
As always, we should not be surprised with that, and actually, even if Ginebra will lose tomorrow, I'm pretty sure they will still remain as the favorite to win in game 3. The good thing with Ginebra si that most of the time they have a solid 4th quarter, so one technique I'm using is I bet on them when they are down to get a very attractive odds, what I'm saying is live betting.
Yes you are right that mate ginebra is is a king and they will put all their best in the final quarter that's what's many people or a crowd choose them than others. As we can saw in their last fights they will choose to behind the last 3rd quarter of the game but in the end 4th quarter is in them and they will comeback the lead and claim the victory. So there's no reason why the betting odds are lower than their opponent, and also it's better to bet during live time in order to know what who are have the potential team to win.