Where's the mass hysteria and crash in gear prices!? S19 is still $100/TH ... that's 22.7 months to ROI at 5c power.
Gear prices did loosen up a bit recently, but nothing close to their ROI/profitability in both fiat and BTC, but this is pretty normal, it has always been the case, gear prices go up very fast when the ROI goes down, but the opposite takes a lot longer, I still remember that right after the halving nothing has changed despite the fact that profitability was cut by half immediately, it took about 2 months for prices to adjust accordingly.
Now compared to when prices were at +60k, profitability is below 50% given the difficulty increments, but for gear prices to fall 50% we will need to remain in this region or go to worse places for months, but then you have all those pre-orders and Bitmain does not seem to be in a rush to sell gears at much lower prices, so this time around things can be very different because of the big boys that joined the games, they make all the old Chinese mining whales seem like small fish in a huge ocean.
One scenario I see possibility coming is that some of the larger players go bankrupt if prices don't rebound, all of those big players paid a premium for gears that they have yet to receive, their investors will want some return on the billions of dollars they threw at mining gears, and since we all know that
BTC price can stay low for a year or so, some of those players will have a very rough time, also the selling pressure from miners will increase which will make things even worse for everybody, especially those that have yet to receive enough gears to use the infrastructure which did cost them millions and millions.
With that being said, I personally doubt we enter a prolonged bear market, this massive correction wave will be over soon and prices will rebound, with that being said, since BTC price is nearly 50% down and gear prices are not even 15% down, it makes exactly no sense to invest in mining gears now as opposed to buying
BTC instead.