Don't know why, but these religious robots always make for the best jokes... Possibly because they really just don't get it and are absolutely authentic in that way
There just seem to be humans that are capable of progressively analyzing & understanding their environment - and there's the ones that can't. I guess this has always been that way and is unlikely to change.
One could easily live with that - my only concern there is
the ratio of intelligent vs. not-quite-so (nicely put), there's definitely has room for improvement.
As the doctor would say :
I'm sorry, but there's no pill against stupid...But who are really the robots?
Although I could be considered a "Jesus Freak" I try really hard to see all sides, study all religions and understand where people are coming from.
However, this is not the case for my point of view. I get laughed at, ridiculed called "stupid" etc.
And still no one has shown me the one thing I have been asking for over, and over and over again. Just ONE observable example of a KIND changing into another KIND. Where is it? If that can't be produced then who has really been brainwashed? What is the truth really? Maybe the entire culture has just decided to go along with what is now taught as good "science" when in reality it is faith in something without any proof at all.
I don't quite get that... Look no further than the human genome itself and its recorded evolution (in scenarios of mixed populations as well as scenarios of long times of isolation due to climate or geography).
Pretty self-evident.
Not sure how much these tests cost nowadays, but you can get your evolutionary "mix" analyzed by common genetic laboratories within a short time, naturally limited by today's available technology and scientific knowledge.
Also, many don't seem to be aware what little genetic evolution is required to result in rather drastic differences. It takes only 1% generic difference to have two entirely different (genetically/mating incompatible species) that just share similarities upon closer inspection. It's the difference between a small ape and a fully developed human. Add 1% more difference (more advanced genome than ours) and one can only speculate what kind of massive intelligence potential such a lifeform could have compared to us. Take it a step further and allow for a full 10% difference in advanced genome, these levels would simply be way beyond our current comprehension. Einstein, Hawking, Tesla and alikes would be like mentally handicapped cockroaches compared to that.
The issue with the fossils is that those are eons old, an extremely high percentage was destroyed by the environmental changes/erosion etc. over time, and that relatively few scientists are actively looking for them around the world - and this only since a very short time in human evolution (I don't have an exact figure but I reckon it's something like 150-250 years roundabout).
It's a common occurence that discoveries are rather random finds i.e. during construction, not long ago these finds were simply ignored (due to general lack of education) and they ended up being discarded/structures built upon or ended up completely disregarded in landfills. Who knows if our ancestors even had an eye for these things at all, probably not.
Additionally, it takes very specific conditions to create
and preserve a fossil from an otherwise bio-degradable/erosive/consumable material that otherwise is left to its environment and other lifeforms to "work on", hence they are extremely rare especially for land-based ones.
Likely the best spots would be in beneath the sediments of our today's oceans, having the best chances of being untouched and not exposed to atmospheric erosion since a long time - but such efforts/possibilities are still very new, limited by technology and
very expensive. I don't think I'll live to see the day our very own planet is actually being systematically searched for fossils/artifacts i.e. by affordable robots or anything like that (they'd have to dig/scan a mile deep on land as well as beneath the oceans).
To me what is happening today (even with all our technology) is something I like to compare to i.e. a Mars Exploration Rover. Despite being a milestone achievement, it merely scratches the surface on a few isolated spots and digs a few inches deep, not more. That leaves far more than 99.999999% of the remaining possible finds absolutely undetected. Basically right now this is all we have done, in 200 years on this planet. Technically speaking, we barely have investigated our own planet yet and know only tiny bits so far (just enough to once a while take a 2nd look and keep doing it at an oozingly slow pace with extremely limited efforts).
Things would probably look different if mandkind didn't toss so insanely much effort & resources at typical points of self-centered human interests like war, to name just one example. In that respect, humans are still very tightly connected i.e. to territorial shimpanzee populations - and unfortunately it shows. Sometimes the motives and behavioural differences are so small, it's plain shameful.