I used to mine on slush pool back in 2014 or so.
I only mined for about a year and just today my friend said he is starting to mine. I told him I used to mine on slush and for shits I went to login to see if my account still works. I guess I left some "dust" in there, (just under 0.01) and it used to be like 5 bucks or something and now it's like 600. Is there anyway I can get that out? I don't have a miner anymore so I can't really reach my 0.01 threshodl
Thanks for any help.
The minimum payout threshold on Slushpool is 0.001 BTC which is just about $65, so if you have just under 0.01 then you can withdraw without any extra fees, just set your payout address and wait for their payout, the maximum you have to wait on most pools is 24 hours assuming your timing is really bad.