Is the bitcoin boat sinking?
Looks like it, 15 hours for a block between yesterday and today... That is on Slush's Pool. If the difficulty goes to 200000000 (which is most likely) in 2 weeks time will it still be worth to mine on pools for small miners? Maybe we should all go solo? You won't get much out of pools neither solo but hey if you find a block when soloing it's all yours!
Would be nice to hear what you guys think about it.
Also I was thinking of investing in a Cointerra 2TH box but by the time I get it (Jan or probably "2 weeks time" after that deadline) the difficulty will be so high that you'd need 20TH to mine anything.
And another query, if mining will become impossible/unprofitable for most people will Bitcoin lose its steam?
i think we have a front row seat on the fall and collapse of bitcoin, and never thought i would say that , time to cancel my ebay orders for asic miners !!!!!!!
People got greedy by making asic miners too fast , i don't think satochi thought this would happen , this wasn't in his maths
Prove me wrong someone !!
Your first problem is using eBay to buy a bitcoin miner. The second is I have no clue what you're arguing, that bitcoin is going to die due to asic, that asic is 'cheating', or that the growth curve right now looks any different from the one 3 years ago where using gpus was discovered
Ok so there's a lot wrong with your response and i have no time to point it out , also cant you see the difference between a statement or an argument , i cant respond to what you wrote as you made no sense. i dont mean to be offensive but your kinda short sighted, using the argument of old dose not apply here, was the same situation relevant back then as is now ? No would be the answer! im sorry but alot of people on this forum dont know what there talking about they just post there un educated responses , im not interested in peoples opinion im looking for information,
my issue is that the times now are not the same as before , forget the jump from CPU to GPU forget the hassle with MtGox , there in the past. TODAY there are new challenges with the network . i don't see it being sustainable in the near future for individuals like us and so far no one has given me a response to prove otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or are all these issues with slush pool!!!!!
i didn't say anything about cheating, i didn't say i was arguing , i didn't say anything about ebay being the problem , you stated that not me ...........