This is a copy paste from Bitparking:
NMC is 0.00915001 BTC per NMC at Vircurex, we earn 221.383927344 NMC per bitcoin block = 2.02566514904 BTC or 8.1% additional BTC per block
IXC is 0.000189 BTC per IXC at Vircurex, we earn 7036.7594417 IXC per bitcoin block = 1.32994753448 BTC or 5.32% additional BTC per block
DVC is 2.08e-06 BTC per DVC at Vircurex, we earn 366497.887589 DVC per bitcoin block = 0.762315606184 BTC or 3.05% additional BTC per block
Total extra BTC per block is 4.1179282897 or 16.47% extra income
Now tell me that this isn't something you would like to have...
So, using numbers from my previous example - 17BTC + 16% bonus (~3BTC) = 20BTC equivalent for Bitminter vs 25BTC + no bonus for Slush ...
Given that tough choice ... I think I'd rather stay with Slush and skip the "bonus".
Your previous example is flawed. As I said after your previous example, the math isn't correct. You are showing an example of luck. If Slush woul have had merged mining, his btc count would have been the same. In fact any currency he would have been mining would have been just as lucky.
When you are mining on a pool that does merged mining, and you submit 1 share, that share gets counted toward all currencies being mined. ALL WORK GETS COUNTED TOWARD ALL CURRENCIES.
So, based on the above example, the math shows that Bitminter would have 17btc + a 16% bonus = 20btc. Then Slush would also have 25btc + a 16% bonus (if he was doing all the same currencies) = 29 btc. The luck that got him more btc, would also get him more of the other currencies.
And it can work just the opposite, if Slush has bad luck an bitminter has good luck.