I guess you should go back to my start here and see how were I greeted by your friend masteretarded.
So what was the real reason for changing your image from serious knowledgeable developer to mentally unstable troll?..
You mentioned two things, but which is the primary?
1. Antagonism with MTR Dev (eternal hate due to incompatible views on everything..)?
2. Supposed hacks/tricks played by dbt1033 and M8xxx?
Please note I am 100% sure dbt1033 is clean of any suspect and he did not do anything bad to the network of this coin. He is clearly an honest guy with strong integrity, and your accusations found very inappropriate target. You are definitely good at technology, but your psychology skills need improvement (as much as your people relation skills), otherwise you would not suspect that guy.
It is real pity to see you turned into this. Either you are really too young and immature, or something is wrong with your head despite all your tech knowledge. Or maybe you just missed deadline, and lost interest in development? That happens - I have seen many people starting work with big excitement at the beginning, having great knowledge and great ideas, but then turned off by small obstacles/bugs and necessity of doing routine work and bring it to completion. They are pretty difficult to manage to my experience.
To make things short - are you able to get yourself together, and switch from troll mode to developer one?
To be true, even taking into account your possible mental problems, I would prefer you to lead this coin, than MTR Dev doing that (as he is not suitable here on my opinion).