Accessing those facilities as you have mentioned is not an issue but the issue is this, it is only when an individual agrees or admits that they have an issue that is when they will look for remedy or cure. Now the question is, will they accept the fact that they have such a problem even if they truly are? Nobody would want to admit that they have such an issue just to cover up for people not to look at them in disdain that is why most people with psychological issues do not open up.
Sure, I can agree with you about the issue on whether someone having problems with gambling would be actually willing to admits those problems in order to get help, but that is why enforced committed is/was a thing in the most of developed countries in the past decades, you know. The families of the mentally sick people or people with addictions could sign some papers for them to get committed even if they did not admit they were in need of those treatments. It may sound cruel to many people, but thanks to it thousands of patients got the help they needed (at least those who were so supposed to consume medication).
For instance, I have a friend whose brother suffers from squizophrenia and when he does not want to take his medication and starts to act out, they cannot get him committed because it would take him to agree on it. To me it does not make sense to need to permission of someone in such irrational state in order to be able to help him to recover.
It may be the same with gambling addicts.
Unpopular opinion, but that is what I currently think of the approach of psychiatric institutions.
I was just trying to make a reference on how the mental health care system in developed countries used to work and how they work nowadays, nothing else. Here in this country it is different, though. We do not have basic healthcare institutions,.and the few ones we have, they are pretty much lacking all necessary equipment for doctors to take care of us.
I am exclusively talking about mental healthcare, not other kinds of problems which could completely and suddenly cripple someone from trying to get the help they need.
Perhaps you misunderstood what I was trying to say. The system is so lacking here that if someone wanted to find help to deal with gambling addiction, they did not have many options left, beyond help groups and church, professional assistance is private.
Okay now it is abundantly clear because I was wondering which country could have such health policy that is very detrimental to an emergency situations and from the looks, it seems you are an African because it is only here in Africa I know that the health system is far lacking behind of good health equipments and facilities.
When it comes to getting help or good counsel to stop addiction problems like gambling, the names you have mentioned are the last resorts because they are the only available help that one could get to assist them with words of encouragement and admonition to put them in check and to do away with the lapses they are currently facing.