-Development of Risk taking ability; to win big in life, you must be willing to try, and gamblers have so developed their risk taking ability.
This was the way that got me addicted, gambling should not be about winning big in life, it should be about fun and entertaining. I found good mind when I found gamble as just a way to have fun, this helped me to cure my addiction.
Development of the ability to quickly let go of things and move on
Not a good ability, it is a way to addiction. This was what was happening to me when I was addicted. Now I am using the money I will not even think about if I lose it to gambling because I use very little amount of money that is affordable for me. If I lose just that chicken chnage, I am still happy.
Positive mentality
I have positive thinking more about my business with little risks not gambling. I do not take gamble seriously.
Consistency/ Not quiting attitude
I don't take gambling serious, then I can no more quit like when I was addicted, to help me deal with the addiction at that time.