Interesting. Never thought of it that way. Have you considered a hockey puck shape? A flat circle. Easy to pocket and likely will have few seams. Also you can lay it flat on a surface without it rolling about and potentially breaking.
I did consider the hockey puck shape, it really is a good idea and indeed one of the early prototype designs was exactly this sort of shape. The catch is that the physical process we use to weld the glass and thus create the unique "finger print" for each device is very, very difficult to build into a hockeypuck shape as we are limited with the diameter we can work with. Also, certain amounts of glass layers are needed to protect the NFC chip from the extreme heat of Glass welding. The Hockey Puck shape just didn't work out for these reasons. The idea is the same though- a cylinder of some sort. Once the final prototype is done though I will explain one thing that is very special about the glass in this device which would be hard to implement on the hockeypuck. :-)