I don't get how it works. I assume you will tell us in time but can you elucidate how it might be better than a usb stick?
Well it's better then a USB stick for a number of reasons, although it's not as multi-purpose as a USB stick. For one, to access your bitcoin, you have to destroy the device, meaning that it's one time use only. With my device you can be sure if you put it in your safe deposit box, and come back to it in 5 years, if it's still there and in one piece, then no one has accessed it without your knowledge. The same can't be said of the USB stick.
Also, once you lock the device, it is unchangable. Meaning that in 5 years time if your device is still intact, you know the data is also unchanged. The devices are also very, very, difficult to counterfeit in the details, so if you keep track of how the unique characteristics of the device look, you also know, within relative certainty that your device has not been substituted with a different device. You can't say that either of a USB stick. It's also very hard to say that of a paper backup. Yes you can encrypt your paper backups, but then you need to backup the password of your backup and now you have two things to keep track of. With this device, the idea is it's all self contained. You need only keep track of this device to secure your bitcoin.
Additionally with new NFC technology, you can be certain that the chip inside is exactly your chip- it has a unique authenticity signature, non-clonable, and most usefully, an access counter. Meaning that if your device has been scanned 5 times at the time you put it into your safe deposit box, and after 5 years you scan it an it says it's been scanned 6 times, then you know someone has illicitly gained access to it (edit: ATTEMPTED to gain access).
The idea is that it's a long term storage device. You set it, (multiple ones for multi-sig) and then you put it somewhere safe and you don't have to worry about it. My bank for example has some very specific terms governing the insurance on their safe deposit boxes and this device could help you set your terms regarding insurance if someone were to access your box.
Most the technological advantages of the device are available from the NFC chip right out of the box (access counter, etc...) but combined with a nearly non-counterfietable, secure device and it's a rather novel solution. The idea of making it an expensive, somewhat luxury device is intended to appeal to users who are looking for something a bit upmarket to hold their money, and something that can stand the test of time somewhat better. When I thought of making an expensive, aesthetic device it was with an eye towards a situation myself where my early bit address QR codes got thrown out as they were mistaken for trash. This wouldn't be mistaken for trash, even by someone who has never heard of bitcoin. It's also unique from anything else a person might have in their normal life. I have a pile of USB sticks in front of me for example, and I've never been so careful as to label them with what is on it. The price of the device, it's uniqueness and it's valuableness will serve to help users protect and care for their bitcoin in ways that are a bit easier to keep track of in normal life.
In short, protecting your passwords and bitcoin is quite difficult for regular people, and to be done comprehensively needs specific training and procedures to ensure the integrity of your secrets. It's not really quite as simple as saving them on a USB stick.
That said however, if you're the type of person that can handle your security on your own, and you don't have any people in your life who know nothing about security who might need to access your bitcoin to pay for your medical care in the case where you get into a car crash and are in a coma, then yes- USB sticks could probably work just fine for you. But with this device you could give one to your lawyer, one to your wife and one in a safe deposit box- and assuming your Lawyer and Wife don't gang up on you, you can rest fairly sure your bitcoin are safe. Indeed, even if you wife and Lawyer gang up on you, in a court of law you could prove they did it simply by demanding they produce the device intact- which if they did gang up on you, it would be impossible for them to do.
You can't say that about a USB stick.
But it's not for everyone. So lets see. Maybe down the line I'll make a more affordable version if it's possible.