that documentary was interesting
the average man needs just 60g of protein a day
with meat being 25% protein it means 240g of meat
(2 quarter pounders)
so that UFC fighter eating 2kg of steak each day was eating way more protein than needed(500g)
however vegetables only have 3% protein. meaning you need to eat 2kg of vegetables just to get 60g of protein
so yes 2kg of meat is stupid. and instead think of it as one hamburger patty size piece of meat 2 times a day is sufficient
NOT 2 huge steaks
otherwise you will need to be chewing on ALOT of vegetables if not eating meat at all
also animals dont make protein from other meat. they just get protein already created from other meat. the actual protein creation is as the documentary said made from enzymes breaking down vegetation.
but to digest and break down 2kg of vegetation and turn it into protein rather than just get it ready made is something of an adjustment
(people get smelly breath and burp and fart alot as the gut bacteria die off and decay for fresh vegetable friendly gut bacteria to do its work)
so try transitioning slowly or stick to a balanced mix diet. not too heavy on the meat, but still having meat to not go too heavy on the veg.
it takes the body 3-4 times longer to digest and convert nutrients from veg than to just get straight supply from other animals
EG converting fructose (fruit sugar) into glucose, and if there is excess, then into fat. takes alot of effort.
where as meats already have it in biological form ready for usage or storage, thus saving the fructose->glucose conversion effort(but yes with meat, more chance of storing excess and getting fat)
yes meat has some bad enzymes in it. as thats the waste us living animals need to excrete so again eating 2kg of meat instead of 240g of meat is not recommended. dont eat too much meat. you dont need it
but what the veggie crowd dont tell you is 2kg of veg also produces alot of waste too.
so this is why some athletes/vegans dont go full 2kg of veg but instead 1kg of veg and then protein shakes and vitamin supplements to get the balance.
its all about finding the right balance
if you can handle 2kg of veg a day, go for it. or find a balance that suits you either less veg and more supplements or a fair balance of 'meat and 2 veg' medium size plate twice a day
my point being though
many vegan radicals think that they can have a perfect diet on small amount of veg.. sorry they are wrong.
many people end up having to grind their veg into smoothies to get the nutrition but in a liquid form so they are not bloated as much as eating it in solid form.(plus it helps speed up the digestion and conversion delay of veg compared to meats 'ready made' nutrition intake)