
Topic: [Active Mining] The UNofficial Active Mining Discussion Thread [UNmoderated] - page 49. (Read 76098 times)

Activity: 83
Merit: 10

But I think all of the mining securities shares are casino chips...People just will come and go again and again inevitably.

Whats with this



Thats nearly twice the price?

Think of "shares" like ActM simply as casino chips.  Their worth has nothing to do with underlying value, they are simply tokens in a game of "who gets the bag last." Cheesy
Activity: 83
Merit: 10
So what you mean is that I shouldn't touch it anymore? But I think if ActM just selling chips the price will be more than that.
Anyway I think I will throw some coins and I am willing to take the bet.

If you have anyother investment suggestions I will be very much appreciated.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Whats with this



Thats nearly twice the price?

Think of "shares" like ActM simply as casino chips.  Their worth has nothing to do with underlying value, they are simply tokens in a game of "who gets the bag last." Cheesy
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Hi Crumbs,

I actually earned a fortune on AcTM, and I am now starting to buy back some of the shares.

What's so bad about AcTM that you have to create a trolling thread?

Had you simply bought the stock at IPO, you would have *lost a fortune*.
The fact that you have "made a fortune" by "investing" in ActM only means that you have found greater fools to stick with the bag each time the price moved.

Fortunes like that are made at the expense of those greater fools, who, if i'm to judge by the ActM thread, are ActM's greatest asset.
Well done, jinyoubei, trade 'er like a redheaded stepchild & leave'em with a bag-o-dick. Smiley
Activity: 980
Merit: 1040
Whats with this



Thats nearly twice the price?
Activity: 83
Merit: 10
Hi Crumbs,

I actually made a fortune from AcTM, and I am now starting to buy back some of the shares.

What's so bad about AcTM that you have to create a trolling thread?
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
And did, I'll add. However much Ken wasn't on over the last 2 weeks, ff69 and others helped keep people's heads cool. For the most part.

Let's see how those "cool heads" fared...  They're three times poorer now if they were cool on Bitfunder, and over two times poorer if they were cool on BTCT.
The UNcool people are doing just fine Cool

Next time, LISTEN.
sr. member
Activity: 245
Merit: 250
And did, I'll add. However much Ken wasn't on over the last 2 weeks, ff69 and others helped keep people's heads cool. For the most part.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
the *entire* board of directors resigned and sold all their shares at the same time on no official news release?

thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and I've dealt with a lot of penny stocks before

No they didn't. Sigh. And this is what happens when misinformation gets spread.

But we did resign as a group. We as in a volunteer advisory board who weren't under NDA and had no legal affiliation with actm or VMC and who were just supposed to help with communication.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
Just found a reassuring tidbit from Ken's original AMC prospectus thingie:

"With AMC adding hashing power over the next 24 months, AMC does not expect to have over
50% of the hashing power at any one time on the Bitcoin network.
 If AMC excedes 45% of
the hashing power on the Bitcoin Network, AMC will not add anymore hashing power until
AMC is below 40% of the hashing power on the Bitcoin Network."

And you kids were worried! Cheesy

Whew!  That was close call.   Tongue

Got any choice 'u mad bro' memes for the broke and butthurt scorned cheerleader squad?
hero member
Activity: 546
Merit: 500
the *entire* board of directors resigned and sold all their shares at the same time on no official news release?

thats the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and I've dealt with a lot of penny stocks before
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Just found a reassuring tidbit from Ken's original AMC prospectus thingie:

"With AMC adding hashing power over the next 24 months, AMC does not expect to have over
50% of the hashing power at any one time on the Bitcoin network.
 If AMC excedes 45% of
the hashing power on the Bitcoin Network, AMC will not add anymore hashing power until
AMC is below 40% of the hashing power on the Bitcoin Network."

And you kids were worried! Cheesy
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Alternatively, if you bothered *listening* to any of the above, you wouldn't be holding this bag 'o dicks & bawwing now.

I made a mistake, the stock looked strong and the eASIC news looked really good, the shares fell from that point and I made a guess that they would stabilize around 0.004

Yes I know worst decision ever but not much I can do now. But I don't understand why you spend so much time here. Crumbs, I really think you spend 24 hours talking about Active Mining. I never bother talking in threads where I am not or have no plans to invest. You must have some connection.

You insinuate that i'm driven by (nefarious?) ulterior motives, so how are you planning to interpret my answer?

Here's something more interesting:
Bitfunder seems to be losing that weird coupling with BTCT.  The price there (laughable volume, i know, tiny enough to be kids trolling.  But still...) is now almost the same as BTCT ...dang, nevermind, went back down while i was typing.

So, minidump on BTCT:  21:37 (S) 8000 @ 0.00160000 ACTIVEMINING;
~ $40 sale dropped the price to 0.001208 on Bitfunder.  Doldrums.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
Alternatively, if you bothered *listening* to any of the above, you wouldn't be holding this bag 'o dicks & bawwing now.

I made a mistake, the stock looked strong and the eASIC news looked really good, the shares fell from that point and I made a guess that they would stabilize around 0.004

Yes I know worst decision ever but not much I can do now. But I don't understand why you spend so much time here. Crumbs, I really think you spend 24 hours talking about Active Mining. I never bother talking in threads where I am not or have no plans to invest. You must have some connection.

Crumbs & Co. spent "24 hours" a day warning you and the others to get the Hell out of ACTM while you still could.

And yet you still stubbornly insisted on continuing to make a stupid mistake.

Instead of listening to the messages, you preferred to shoot the many messengers by speculating about our possible nefarious motives, personalities, etc.

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  How did that work out for you?   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Maybe next time you'll STFU and heed our advice, instead of joining the circlejerk of cheerleader groupthink!

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1015
Alternatively, if you bothered *listening* to any of the above, you wouldn't be holding this bag 'o dicks & bawwing now.

I made a mistake, the stock looked strong and the eASIC news looked really good, the shares fell from that point and I made a guess that they would stabilize around 0.004

Yes I know worst decision ever but not much I can do now. But I don't understand why you spend so much time here. Crumbs, I really think you spend 24 hours talking about Active Mining. I never bother talking in threads where I am not or have no plans to invest. You must have some connection.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Yes this is just a forum and people letting off steam, but behind this keyboard in front of me is a real person who put a lot on the line and my own business on hold to try to help ActM.

Why are you replying to pankkake?

Pankkake, icebreaker and crumbs spend every hour of their day making Active Mining posts. They are either:
1-Invested in a competitor
2-Invested heavily in Active Mining.
3-Being paid.

If you consider all their posts in light of those options, you will see how all they are doing is manipulating the share price and investor confidence in this company.

Alternatively, if you bothered *listening* to any of the above, you wouldn't be holding this bag 'o dicks & bawwing now.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1015
Yes this is just a forum and people letting off steam, but behind this keyboard in front of me is a real person who put a lot on the line and my own business on hold to try to help ActM.

Why are you replying to pankkake?

Pankkake, icebreaker and crumbs spend every hour of their day making Active Mining posts. They are either:
1-Invested in a competitor
2-Invested heavily in Active Mining.
3-Being paid.

If you consider all their posts in light of those options, you will see how all they are doing is manipulating the share price and investor confidence in this company.

I get Active Mining has its issues, its behind the competitors with chips that are not powerful enough, but all the FUD those three spread? Just forget them they are just here to piss you off.

I'm not sure what those three get up to outside posting in Active Mining threads, they are always here. They most likely have some sort of investment, in Active or a competitor.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.

 Cheesy  The ACTM circlejerk is over.

Now all that's left is for Bragraphics and ViagricErector to fight over who has to eat the biscuit.

VE: "I get to eat it!"

BG: "No it's mine!"

*purse fight, slapping, and hair-pulling ensue*
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Deleted to save my wasted breath Grin

full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Stop posting in this thread please.

You should be buying the crashing ActM Stock, some dumbass is selling for a huge loss. Picked up an additional 50,000 shares at ~0.001

I take it you're looking for some buy orders, huh? Cheesy

How can you be so *consistently wrong*? Cheesy

Edit: BTCT:  15:25 (S) 1 @ 0.00141200 ACTIVEMINING
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