eASIC is not going to 'renegotiate' it's NDA over this chip. They want their tech kept secret for a reason. They don't even advertise 28nm nextreme asics.
(as requested previously)
1) updated roadmap
2) high level project plan (task list, back log or what ever you like to call it) with milestones, dates and cost estimates
3) detailed, short term project plan with milestones, dates and cost estimates
4) regular updates to 1-3
5) financial statements like CF, PL
6) update balance sheet
And pleas, do not tell us you can not do it because of that NDA. This is bull shit and you know it.
Compile requested documents and get a fkn approval form eASIC. Daaaa....
We also need to see information about the PCBs: BOMs, Gerber files and cad renderings along with production plans and so on, as well as information about who's going to produce them and so on.