Good news everyone!
It will take at least another 50 pages, before you guys realize, it's time to close this idiotic thread and replace it with official announcement ONLY thread.
This was from page 193 and we are at 273. Disappointed indeed. You morons have produced 80 pages of useless drivel and demonstrated your illiteracy in finance, investing and management in every imaginable way. Looks like we have two types of cheerleaders - confused fan-boys aka "cheerleaders A" and confused trolls aka "cheerleaders B".
I must say, this is like a retarded cheerleaders convention. Maybe you guys ( iCEBREAKER, Stuartduck, Mabsark and the rest of you) should give each other few medals and fuck off for good. How about trolling ASICmining? They have 600+ pages of mostly useless blabberings - it almost begs for your worthless input.
Now, lets get back to the topic.
Ken, have you started to negotiate the NDA, used so well to keep us all in the dark?
BTW, 15th is coming up. You promised to publish financial statements on 15th of every month. I still do not see the July statement. Can this 1 million dollar Co make it happen this month?
I bet I am not the only one, who likes to see the following
(as requested previously)
1) updated roadmap
2) high level project plan (task list, back log or what ever you like to call it) with milestones, dates and cost estimates
3) detailed, short term project plan with milestones, dates and cost estimates
4) regular updates to 1-3
5) financial statements like CF, PL
6) update balance sheet
And pleas, do not tell us you can not do it because of that NDA. This is bull shit and you know it.
Compile requested documents and get a fkn approval form eASIC. Daaaa....