Do you really think that a 20% speed increase is worth delaying chips for weeks or months (this is a legit question)?
Last difficulty increase alone was 16%, so it is "eaten up" by a few weeks of mining.
I believe it is far more likely that the chips were fucked up in some way, and he had to redo the process (or part of the process).
The fact that he found some way to improve them by 20% was merely a bonus and a convenient excuse.
I don't think he is a scammer, if he were, he would have left long time ago.
And it's great that you believe in him. I used to believe in him too, however his lack of coummunication is worrying to say the least.
If I am proven to be wrong regarding Ken, I will gladely apologize to him and anyone else who I might offend.
But right now I'm gonna place myself in the 'sceptic corner' and not trust a single word from Ken unless there is some kind of proof backing it up.
(no, I'm not looking to buy more shares, I already have waaaay more than I wish I had counting in fiat terms)