What happens if Airgap wensite or app is down and servers gone?
I think that compatibility with other wallets is extremely important for something like this.
AirGap Vault does not connect to any servers, ever. So there is nothing we can shut down from our side that would stop the app from working. The code of our shamir implementation is open source, so even if we take down our website and github, the code will still be available in forked repositories. If you are concerned about this, you can also create a local copy of the entire source code.
We agree that standards should be used whenever possible, but our implementation pre-dates the final SLIP-39 standard. At the time, there was no standard available. Today, because of the SLIP-39 shortcomings, we are planning to use SSKR, which was introduced by blockchain commons and will hopefully be the new standard going forward and replace SLIP-39 in the long run.