Works for me. Website still up. Forum still up. Still banned for pointing out the machines are now worthless. Even if we got them two weeks ago, we'd never see RoI even on 50/250 units. Prices have plummeted, difficulty has skyrocketed. Scrypt asics are a dud, as more come out the price of scrypt coins will drop. Asics are being produced in such large quantities, they make themselves obsolete.
Think about this: If you buy an asic with a 90 day RoI, and that company sold enough of those to double the difficulty, it's now a 180 day RoI... Now in that 180 day period 5 more companies each come out with their own asics, further trippling the difficulty. Now you're sitting at a 1.5 year RoI with a steady decrease in profitability VS electricity costs.
Asics are only a good investment if Very few people buy them. Anyone buying scypt asics from any company will never make RoI even if you get it same day. This coming from the guy that just spent $8k on Zues asics 2 weeks ago, and lost $2k on Alpha-tech. Scrypt ASICs can in no way, shape, or form be a good investment. Too large of a quantity are being produced.