I did not negotiate the purchase of an account in 2014 as it hadn't been sold. I was negotiating but it ended with nothing:
Дa мнe пoxyй чo ты тaм мoжeшь или нe мoжeшь, тeбя зa язык никтo нe тянyл. Дa-дa, нeт - xoди лecoм и выгляди пиздaбoлoм.
Toгдa дaннaя cдeлкa oтмeняeтcя - нayчиcь для нaчaлa цивилизoвaннo peшaть пoдoбныe вoпpocы... 20-e мaя былo бы чepeз нeдeлю (и этo кpaйний cpoк для oкoнчaтeльнoгo oтвeтa), нe чepeз мecяц или гoд. Moё пpeдлoжeниe пpo 0.25 BTC зa Гepoя c пpиличным никoм ocтaётcя в cилe...
Why did you omit that part? It was just a couple posts below. Anyway, someone bought this account later (like in 2016), though I'm not sure as I didn't follow it. But it wasn't me. As I said, I'm not involved in this kind of activities and back in the day it was more like entertainment because you could actually buy a Hero account and legitimately get away with it, which I specifically mentioned (you may want to translate that part for me)
I did not negotiate the purchase of an account in 2014 as it hadn't been sold. I was negotiating but it ended with nothing:
This is what I write about. It was an attempt that was in May. You then twice, wrote about it in other topics.
in June
in July
The problem is that now it is not clear whether you bought in another place or not
The real problem is that I didn't buy any accounts in any place over here (to begin with)
And yes, I wrote about that particular case of the attempted account purchase in other topics, and so what? If you are trying to build a case against me or discredit me somehow (which tells more about yourself than me, just in case), you may want to start a new thread, really. But you are welcome, anyway. It will be fun to watch as you fail miserably
I actually support this view (other than it being a foul accusation, of course), and I'm happy that I didn't buy that account (or any other account, for the record) as it would now have turned into a toxic asset, a liability
Your poor try to discredit OP just shows what an idiot you are.
You wanna discredit him for a possible account purchase in 2014?
The truth is that I never bought (or sold) any accounts here, neither in 2014 nor in any other year, whether it was allowed or not