But even price at random time going below 1w BB is sad. Doest it mean incoming 20x rally down? IMO, it doesn't.
We had 10x/year uptrend with 8-month bubbles on top of it. Because of the uptrend price was above EMA and at beginning of bubbles it crossed higher BB.
Now [IMO] we have (slight) downtrend with dumped bubbles on top of it. Because of the downtrend price is below EMA and between bubbles it crosses lower BB. Bad, but not end-of-the world. Next bubble is on schedule. Maybe dumped one (we had 2 dumped bubbles in a row in 2011-12), maybe on top of continuing downtrend. But still a bubble.
Except it's not a random time. It's 00:00 UTC EVERY time. Sure it's an arbitrary timezone, but as long as there is a standard that everyone uses, it is consistent and gives you the information needed between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 every day, every week, always. The significance is that over the course of 7 days (equally spaced) we had enough selling to threaten the lower BB. No it doesn't mean 20x down if broken, but it does strengthen the bear market, and while we are held down by it, we could see very deep selling.
It didn't happen yet. It may not, but there is a very good possibility that it will. So, for now, the Bitcoin depression has been held off. This could turn into a nice bounce here, but there is still time for it to happen next week, or the week after that...