I've never lost a fucking Cent (finaly) with HYIPs, clouds or daytrading. How silly someone have to be, to lose money? There are only some simple rules: Split the risks as much you can and play "quick in - quick out". Invest as much you can affort with splittings. (Would you cry, if you lost 1000$ here but win 2000$ there? I don't cry for peanuts nor Argentina. *lol*) Clouds and HYIPs (real or fakes) are good to fill the daytrading wallet in the background - call it "automated fitting". (Sorry for my bad English
In RL in Frankfurt, Tokio or Wallstreet (24h-Daytrading) you would smile about a "Scam", because your dayly income (with plan) is much more than a family in the "3rd World" need to survive in a month. [heho! Invest in MYC4!]
So let's talk about BCS: I have two 5-Year-contracts and I got a good ROI already. 80 GHS - peanuts, but money. I've tested Mr. Jones. Nice guy, good support and nothing is wrong so far. HYIP? Yes. Ponzi? Perhaps, I don't know, because I don't have any refferals. ROI? Oh yeah!
Hey Ritch,
Dear Hubus,after you repeated it about a hundred times, I think we understood you.
I hope so. The question is, did you understand, too?
For sure, because I allready did my ROI.Do you know the difference between an honest and real business and a fraud?
Sometimes there is no difference, because: First-in, first-out, and never invest more than the winnings of other business or known HYIPs. Very important: High risk = low investment - low risk = high investment. It's realy easy. There might be some users who really wanted to participate in actually mining bitcoins. Besides that the owner might run away, also the authorities might investigate and close the business.
You are right! That's the risk in/of Reallife. Perhaps an astroid will hit us tomorrow ... who knows.
In fact I can only talk about my own experiences: I have never lost a bug (excel told me) but also invested in real HYIPs from 2,4 to 10% per day. THAT's a real risk. BCS is trustable ... so far and I can't lose anything. If any of that happens, the early users betrayed the late ones.
"betrayed"? I don't know the meaning. I have no referrals. All my investments are my own risk.(BTW, you might be right that this is the same at Wallstreet and many other businesses and speculations, but this thread is about bitcoin mining.)
It's the same (see: BTC-e or other BTC-daydrading websites).And if anyone is really interested in the bitcoin system becoming more mainstream and official, it is also important to know if this system can function in a sustainable way at all.
Right! I'm rather new to bitcoins, but already have great doubts about it. I ask the people who think that it's an alternative to a presumed corrupt banking system if bitcoin is any better. I have doubts about that, too!
Me, too and I know.So what?
No risk -> no income -> no fun.
This is not very intelligent, Ritch. Of course there can be income with low or almost no risk at all.
Relative ... depense on what you are able to invest. And you seem to like to be blind and follow like a sheep, without knowing anything about the business you participate in.
Do you know my dayly income??? *lol* Ok, so sorry, my english isn't good enough to explain my way for sheeps, but: BTC-investments are only games for me and I would never cry about a fully crash of cryptical currencies. Peanuts, you know?You assume you know the rules how to survive, but you don't, because a scam business does not tell you the rules. They feed you lies, that's all.
No, they feed my extra income. ATM I invest 10 BTC in a brutal HYIP (10% per day and of course not BCS). Well ... first-in, first-out as I told hundred times before ... Unethical? No, because I'm not a scammer and I did, could and can reinvest possible winnings every time in for example MYC4. So what?
Sheeps are losers to feed informed winners to feed real poor people. Social business and fair trading. That's the fact of a good way in this real world.
And after all: The funniest game is to "scam" real scammers by knowing their "plan". ![Wink](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/wink.gif)