You provided a well-thought advice here buddy. I'm thinking of doing that as I only bought 500k of it last week and don't have any more to spare. It's good to know that I can stake it for 10-15 days as I'm okay with that number. As long as I'm making more 808coins out of my 500k stack, I'm definitely happy with it. MrEggman is also responsive to my questions to him regarding the staking process so I'm very confident with this coin.
Also, the other thing to note is that if it takes 10 days to stake, the amount of stake will automatically be adjusted based on amount of time.. so you will not lose out any percentage except for a bit of compounding interest, and that is the main reason why you should not sell any of the stake for the first few periods until you are over 1-1.5 million so you can maximize the effect of compound interest. My suggestion is to have the wallet open @ exactly 8 days because after all this is based on luck. Then recombine those blocks in coin control and set an alert to remind yourself to open in 8 day. It is super important that you recombine the blocks into 1 block as it will always split into 2 when it stakes. This way you will have maximum effect and stake sooner to 8 days. Anyways, good luck!
That's right and that is exactly what I did. I could of sold my staked 808 coins along the way but like I said I wanted to achieve 1 million coins as I knew that I would stake a lot quicker once I reached that target. And believe me once people start reaching that 1 million coins target the stakes are amazing and people will also see how fast their stacks can grow at that amount of coins. Yes always recombine the staked blocks back into one large block as people will stake quicker once the 8.08 days are up.
500k is a good start mate and like milly6 said it's best to keep those stakes and work your way up to that 1 million target, then if you like you can start to sell some of your coins. I have posted in here that I sell only 30% of my staked coins and put the other 70% back into growing my stack. I also put sell orders in and not just sell to people buying as this helps keep the price steady. Good luck mate!
This is exactly what have been doing selling off around 25 or 30% each time and it works great, stack growing nicely. I am going to skip the selling part for a few stakes round to get it up even faster and im going to buy up some more this week if LTC goes up and I can sell.