1. Please consider using a smaller pool to spread the hash rate around or use the stratum proxy if you enough hash rate to solo mine. As long as you can get blocks 'regularly' (whatever that means to you), you don't need to swarm onto the same pool as everyone else. A healthier mining network that is decentralized will improve confidence in the coin.
2. Hash rate for AEON should be higher than XMR on the same hardware. The ratio depends on the hardware.
Thanks for the feedback smooth! I agree with your first statement and have done that on other coins with good results, so will highly consider going with sumominer pool instead.
On point 2, that's what I was hoping to hear, so really eager to get at least 1 of my rigs up and running on AEON to see what it can do.
Do you have any recommendation mining-wise for AMD GPUs?
OK, so I feel like I am making a bit of progress towards getting a miner set up but would like to ask for some validation to make sure I am on the right track...
1- Pool: planning to go with sumominer pool - I went there to try and register but don't see anywhere to do that. For these pools, can I therefore assume it's the non-registration model that just uses your wallet address to both track your rewards and paste into the code of the miner? I think Ethermine is the same like this... just want to make sure I dont need to register on the pool.
2- I have an AEON wallet on Bittrex but of course that has been down for what seems like forever. So. I rezlized I need to create a new wallet somehow. I found the win64 AEON ZIP v0.9.12 off the official site and unpacked it. I ran the aeond.exe and it just now completed synchronizing after a little under 2 hours.
From here, I understand I need to run the simplewallet.exe to set up my wallet.
3- After I get that address, I should be able to configure a miner, correct?
I have downloaded wolf GPU AEON miner .2 from github and unzipped it. This is quite a bit different from recent Claymore miners but this is what I THINK needs to be done to configure for AEON mining:
- open aeon.conf file in text editor
- replace "url" with: stratum+tcp://aeon.sumominer.com:3335
- replace "user" address with my own wallet address created above
- save and exit config file
- run miner.exe
so... are those steps correct? is there anything else that needs to be done in that config file?