Currently it is hard to get listed on exchanges that don´t support Counterparty assets already. You may want to contact the folks at the canadian exchange, they already have several other Counterparty gaming tokens listed such as pepecash, databits and bitcrystals, as well as XCP. They may be willing to list Rustbits and the service and tech support on that exchange is excellent.
Counterparty is in the process of implementing CIP12 which will bring improvements to the counterparty protocol which will make supporting counterparty assets much easier for exchanges in the future. So once that CIP is implemented, it should be easier to convince exchanges to list this token too.
Thanks, this is really helpful, I appreciate it. I've seen tuxexchange mentioned around before, so I'm looking into that too. Yeah CIP is a game changer (pun not intended lol) for counterparty. I had been talking to the guys over at tokenly about CIP as well, so I think the counterparty community is going to get a bit of a groundswell around counterparty assets, so I'm looking forward to it. One of the pepe project people reached out to me too, so it's interesting to see what they're doing in this space around exchanges too.
Actually Tuxexchange started listing of counterparty assets with Pepecash. They actively participate in the Rare Pepe Traders telegram group too. They even have a bot to get the current price of pepecash and other tokens listed on tuxexchange shown in telegram groups. Another community that has been a great fans of counterparty assets and trading cards is the Japanese bitcoin community. Thanks to Book of Orbs mobile app made by Indiesquare (their founder is based in Japan), cards can easily be traded on the DEX without having to use the somewhat clunky counterwallet interface.
Also japanese exchange has a lot of counterparty assets that even can be traded for fiat (Yen) on that exchange. They were first to list Pepecash also, followed by tuxexchange. So if Rustbits starts getting some traction on the Counterparty DEX first trading against XCP, exchanges will start to notice and be more interested in listing. That is how Pepecash first got started, their great fan community do a lot of trading on the DEX.
Another great help with that is having where you can actually buy the Rare Pepe cards for Pepecash or XCP from right inside the wallet, and at the same time be protected against accidentally buying scam assets with names very similar to the real game assets, as the wallet only lists the true certified Rare Pepe cards from in the wallet under "my rare pepes". I think it would be great if you could use some of the dev funds to commission someone (preferrably Joe Looney who made rare pepe wallet) to make a Rustbits themed special wallet for the Age of Rust cards so players can store and trade their cards easily on the DEX, and also easily discover new cards when they get released. If you can get Age of Rust cards listed on Book of Orbs that would be a great way to get a bigger audience for the game too.