
Topic: [ANN] APR Coin [PIVX FORK] Masternode | Payment Method Adoption - page 17. (Read 31884 times)

copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
What is the current price of this coin ? I see someone shared on the very first page 1 APR for $10 which doesn't make sense and sounds unrealistic when original coins which was forked to make this one is being traded at $4.26. I don't think it is available on any exchange yet then from the price was taken without free market ?

Hi Zontop,

The private sale pricing of the coin is $5 USD/ 1 APR Coin, and 1.3 BTC for a Masternode. The price takes into effect that the use case is currently being worked on, which will provide a free API for businesses globally to create loyalty rewards programs and provide their users the ability to trade points on the APR Loyalty Exchange/app. We  have applied to CoinExchange and CryptoBridge and can confirm that 24-48 hrs after the 7 day fair start period completes, APR will be on Coin Exchange. Approximately 7 days later it will be on CryptoBridge.


APR Team
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
What do we know about this new POS coin? Who are the team? Where will this new POS coin go? And can people make money from it?

What we do know is that APR Coin is created by the same people as HOLD Coin (Interstellar Holdings) and MONK Coin (Monkey Project); HOLD Coin has crashed massively over time, HOLD Coin has had continued issues with dodgy wallets, missing coins in wallets to an exchange that ran away with peoples coins.

MONK Coin again has done badly in price, now we see the fake team of APR create yet another staking coin. Many will know about HOLD Coins fake team which had fake photos of them on their site, one of which was a known Somalian journalist and another a TV Character, no joke by the way!

Now the APR Coin website has new photos of a new team, but their discord channel still used the same fake team as on the HOLD and MONK discord channels.

Even the MONK Coin website has change its team photos to even more new people since it was first made, yes things are just not right with this whole POS boiler room type scam.

So again, both the HOLD and MONK websites have changed their team photos two times since the sites were first made.

What happened to HOLD Coins roadmap where they were creating an exchange, this was just a roadmap to try and gain a price rise when HOLD Coin was suffering, one can search on this site to see comments on this topic some time ago.

Whoever these guys are, they are simply creating one staking coin after another and of course making huge profit, and if their past projects are anything to go by then APR Coin will fall like the others they created. Maybe some short term profit but I would treat this whole dodgy plan as a Ponzi.

$5 for a staking coin from this gang? No way!

Activity: 51
Merit: 0 has listed your coin to the website.
jr. member
Activity: 88
Merit: 2
Oфициaльный caйт:

Бeлый лиcт:

Дopoжнaя кapтa:

Pecypc GitHub:

Пoвceднeвнoe пpимeнeниe мoнeты:

APR Coin гopдитcя быть пepвым пpoeктoм в кpиптoвaлютнoм миpe, cocpeдoтoчившим ycилия нa paзвитии пpoгpaмм лoяльнocти.

Кoмaндa APR вeдeт paбoтy нaд paзpaбoткoй и peaлизaциeй coбcтвeннoгo кoшeлькa для лoяльнoй пpoгpaммы нaгpaд и бoнycoв, c пpимeнeниeм в peaльнoй жизни и тaкoй вoзмoжнocтью, paз в глaвнoм пyлe - APR MasterPool. Пoльзoвaтeли cмoгyт пoльзoвaтьcя мoбильным кoшeлькoм или web вepcиeй для yчacтия в дaннoй пpoгpaммe лoяльныx нaгpaд (oтдeльнo oт иx кoшeлькoв APR для cтeйкoв) c вoзмoжнocтью yпpaвлeния в пpocтoм и дocтyпнoм интepфeйce.

Пoльзoвaтeлям бyдeт дocтyпнa вoзмoжнocть oбмeнa бaллoв и миль мeждy peaльным филиaлoм пpoгpaммы лoяльнocти и мoнeтoй APR чepeз coбcтвeннyю биpжy APR MasterExchange. Иcпoльзoвaниe для пoкyпoк и пoдapoчныx кapт тaкжe бyдeт пpocтым. Oни cмoгyт coxpaнять peaльныe бaллы или мили пpoгpaммы лoяльнocти в APR MasterPool, coбcтвeннoм cтeйкинг пyлe, чтoбы пpeдoтвpaтить иcтeчeния cpoкa дeйcтвия. Bo вpeмя xpaнeния мoнeт в APR MasterPool, пoльзoвaтeли пoлyчaют нaгpaдy, кoтopaя зaвиcит oт иx вeca в ceти.

Bышeнaзвaннoe пpимeнeниe в peaльнoм миpe бyдeт дocтyпнo нe тoлькo бoльшим peтeйлepaм и кoмпaниям, нo и мaлeнькoмy бизнecy. Бyдeт coздaнo пpилoжeниe API, кoтopoe пoзвoлит coздaвaть и пoдключaть иx пpoгpaммы лoяльнocти к кoшeлькaм и oбмeнy.

Инфopмaция o APR Coin
Moнeтa APR являeтcя мoдификaциeй и фopкoм мoнeты PIVX. Этo peшeниe былo пpинятo пocлe oпpoca пoльзoвaтeлeй и cooтвeтcтвyющeгo oбмeнa. У мoнeты бyдeт 5 paзличныx пpoгpaмм пoлyчeния нaгpaды и cпeцификaция мoнeты cooтвeтcтвyeт плaниpyeмoй.

Кoшeлeк пoддepживaeт 3 oпepaциoнныx cиcтeмы (Windows, Mac and Linux) и имeeт двa фyнкциoнaлa - этo POS и Masternode.

Кoличecтвo мoнeт для Masternode - 3,000 APR Coin.

Для пpивaтнoй пpoдaжи мoнeт, пoжaлyйcтa, oбpaтитecь чepeз email: [email protected] или в чaтe Discord чepeз личнoe cooбщeниe к APRKING.

Пpeдпpoдaжa бyдeт oкoнчeнa чepeз 7 днeй пocлe зaпycкa вcex 3 кoшeлькoв или пoкa Soft Cap cyммa нe бyдeт иcчepпaнa.

Cпpaвeдливoe нaчaлo бyдeт пocлe зaпycкa вcex 3 кoшeлькoв.

Любoй, ктo кyпил APR мoнeты тo измeнeния цeны, пoлyчит двoйнyю cyммy oт пoкyпки. Mы oбpaтимcя личнo для пoдтвepждeния.

Mы пocoвeтoвaлиcь(включaя POS Monkey) и peшили cжeчь вce мoнeты, кoтopыe нe бyдyт пpoдaны. Этo дeлaeтcя для yдepжaния цeны мoнeты и цeлocтнocть пpoeктa.

Moнeтa APR Coin этo мoдификaция мoнeты PIVX.

Чaт Discord:
Ужe бoлee 3,000 пoльзoвaтeлeй!






Telegram Chat

Чтoбы пoкaзaть oбщecтвy зaкoннocть и дoлгocpoчнocть пpoeктa, мы yдaлили нaгpaды блoкa для ocнoвaтeлeй пpoeктa, peклaмнoй кaмпaнии и paзpaбoтчикoв кoшeлькa. Bмecтo этoгo, мы бyдeм ocнoвывaть pacпpeдeлeниe нaгpaды блoкa cлeдyющим oбpaзoм:

70% нaгpaды для Masternodes
20% нaгpaды для POS
6% нaгpaды для Proof of Hold дepжaтeлeй (двa paзa в гoд)
4% Ocнoвныe инвecтopы (пpeдпpoдaжa)

Mы пocвящaeм ceбя пpoeктy APR и гapaнтиpyeм, чтo пpимeнeниe бyдeт ycпeшнo выпoлнeнo и вce дepжaтeли мoнeты APR бyдyт вoзнaгpaждeны.

Oфициaльнaя тaблицa бayнти и нaгpaд APR Coin:
Oбзop нa Youtube: 1 APR Coin (зa 500 пoдпиcчикoв, мaкcимaльнo 20 APR Coin)
Reddit: 1 APR Coin зa cooбщeниe (зa глaвнyю cтpaницy нa subreddit)
Peтвит нa Twitter: 0.1 APR Coin зa cooбщeниe (500 пoдпиcчикoв)
Cooбщeниe нa Twitter: 0.1 APR Coin зa cooбщeниe (500 пoдпиcчикoв)
Бayнти для Facebook: 0.1 APR Coin зa cooбщeниe (50 pacпpocтpaнeний)
Пocт в Instagram: 0.1 APR Coin зa cooбщeниe (100 лaйкoв)

Maкcимaльнaя нaгpaдa cocтaвляeт 40 APR для кaждoй кaтeгopии.

Bce бayнти нa ceгoдня дeйcтвyют, a дoкaзaтeльcтвa дoлжны быть пpeдcтaвлeны и пoдтвepждeны кoмaндoй.
Пocлe выпoлнeния oтпpaвьтe дoкaзaтeльcтвo чepeз oфициaльный чaт Discord пoльзoвaтeлю @APRKING или нa e-mail [email protected]

Taкжe вы мoжeтe пoceтить нaш фopyм
Activity: 99
Merit: 11
They changed the terms for the bounty program close to when payouts for bounty started. They put a cap of max. 40 APR "per category". They were more than happy before to take all the free promotion and now refuse to payout full bounty.

When I complaint they offered 100 APR instead of 40 which is only 1/13th of what I should have gotten. My hint that they should edit at least all pages where the bounty listed was noticed and they changed the submit form page ( and this ANN thread  after our discussion.

I'm not calling out the whole project as scam but its fishy what happens here. DYOR and maybe invest in more honest projects. Screenshots available if anyone is looking for more details.
jr. member
Activity: 88
Merit: 2
any addnodes?
sporks stuck at 25%

Just restart wallet
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
any addnodes?
sporks stuck at 25%
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
Hi everyone,

We would like to thank renowned Japanese actor, producer, philanthropist, entrepeneur & martial artist @shinkoyamada for retweeting our APR Loyalty use case video to his followers. Shin has been a part of Academy Award nominated films & we are truly grateful for his support!

Shin is an Official Ambassador for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and will be starring in the upcoming film Ticker here in North America. He also owns large entrepreneurial ventures linking products and people from across the globe with Japan.
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
APR Forum Follower Competition: 200 APR Coins For 1st Place!
When you visit the APR Coin website, you can create an account and join the website’s forum. While in that forum, other users have the ability to  follow you and your posts. 

We are having a competition to see who can gain the most followers in our APR Coin Official Forum!

Competition Details:
Start Date: 4/14/2018
End Date: 5/1/2018 

1st Place: 200 APR ($1000 USD)
2nd Place: 150 APR ($750 USD)
3rd Place: 100 APR ($500 USD)
4th Place: 70 APR ($350 USD)
5th Place: 50 APR ($250 USD)
6th – 10th Place: 40 APR ($200 USD)
10th – 20th Place: 8 APR ($40 USD) 

After signing in to the APR Coin Website Forum, you can see who has the most followers by clicking on the Members Page at the top of the website and sorting by followers.

Good luck everyone!


APR Team

Okay guys I signed up for this one as I don't mind posting in forums and helping where I can.

I am LordPiccolo on the APR forum Smiley
Activity: 160
Merit: 0
great. How long will the project take? Can you tell me what plans are coming? thank you
jr. member
Activity: 185
Merit: 1
Greek Transation reserved
Activity: 64
Merit: 0
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
I think this project is good. because it's have good konsep and innovative idea from team. i believe this project will be success. goodluck for this project.

Hi Henjou,

Thank you for the kind words. We are pushing to complete the use case we’ll ahead of schedule, and we hope the community will like it.


APR Team
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 256
What is the current price of this coin ? I see someone shared on the very first page 1 APR for $10 which doesn't make sense and sounds unrealistic when original coins which was forked to make this one is being traded at $4.26. I don't think it is available on any exchange yet then from the price was taken without free market ?
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
I think this project is good. because it's have good konsep and innovative idea from team. i believe this project will be success. goodluck for this project.
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
Update for @everyone , Our Devs are apologetic for taking so long with wallets release. As we made a couple more implementations with masternodes and gui functions into our wallets a couple bugs sprung up and are currently squashing them. Windows wallet is almost finished and with Mac OS X we are working with bugs. Once our checklist of functions is complete we will start in house testing!  As most of you know we are forking PIVX which is one of the hardest platforms to fork due to many implementations.

Also releasing 3 wallets simultaneously does take extra time.

These guys took money from the presale and hired the devs to make the wallets and create the coin. Basically, had NO product and through pre-sales, a nifty looking website, an honestly decent whitepaper (considering the garbage WP's other coins are coming up with) were able to hire devs to create wallets that are now having difficulty.  I'll give the team credit: their WP is not a copy/pasta job.

I hope for the investors sake that you guys didn't hire some goof troop on upwork or something . . .

I know I'm being harsh in this ANN, this coin could succeed, but conducting a presale to raise funds to hire devs, to give twitter shills btc gotten from the presale to promote, to do giveaways for coins that aren't even out yet . . . it's all very strange. And unethical imo.

But . . as I said before in my post a couple pages back . . . it is slick.

Hi fishfishfish313,

We understand that with current events in this space, that users will be weary. We appreciate the kind words regarding our White Paper and that you are conducting due diligence and raising awareness. APR was created with the community in mind and developers were hired from the outset to create the best possible product. After seeing the concern of the community and how long the process was taking, we made sure necessary measures were taken to hire support devs and software testers to lock in a release date for the project.  

The launch date has been set for April 23, 2018 and will be releasing all 3 OS wallets at that time. The 7 day fair start will begin at this time.

Upon completion of the 7 day Fair Start, APR will be listed on (CE) within 24-48 hours. CryptoBridge will have APR listed within 1 week of APR listing on CE.

We appreciate your patience and your due diligence FishFishFish313, and hope that more people like you do research and conduct awareness in the crypto space moving forward. Very few people look out for the interests of others, and we as a team thank you for that.


APR Team
sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 252
Update for @everyone , Our Devs are apologetic for taking so long with wallets release. As we made a couple more implementations with masternodes and gui functions into our wallets a couple bugs sprung up and are currently squashing them. Windows wallet is almost finished and with Mac OS X we are working with bugs. Once our checklist of functions is complete we will start in house testing!  As most of you know we are forking PIVX which is one of the hardest platforms to fork due to many implementations.

Also releasing 3 wallets simultaneously does take extra time.

These guys took money from the presale and hired the devs to make the wallets and create the coin. Basically, had NO product and through pre-sales, a nifty looking website, an honestly decent whitepaper (considering the garbage WP's other coins are coming up with) were able to hire devs to create wallets that are now having difficulty.  I'll give the team credit: their WP is not a copy/pasta job.

I hope for the investors sake that you guys didn't hire some goof troop on upwork or something . . .

I know I'm being harsh in this ANN, this coin could succeed, but conducting a presale to raise funds to hire devs, to give twitter shills btc gotten from the presale to promote, to do giveaways for coins that aren't even out yet . . . it's all very strange. And unethical imo.

But . . as I said before in my post a couple pages back . . . it is slick.
sr. member
Activity: 700
Merit: 252
Only Bitcoin!
When announcement who selected for this random Twitter giveaway? I mean when published the winner list Huh

Hi Bennie4,

The winners of the randomized giveaways will be announced on Twitter, Discord and all of our social media profiles.

Anyone conducting their own giveaway will be responsible for communicating at their behest.


APR Team

random Twitter giveaway?

All Bounties are now live and proof must be submitted and approved by the team.
To do so, please send proof to through Official Discord to @APRKING or [email protected]

I would understand that it is guaranteed to everyone who submits his link.
Activity: 182
Merit: 10
Quick Update!

Development testing is going well, Send/Receive works instantly, with all of its functionalities. 90% of all functions are installed and tested. We are currently installing the staking/masternodes and completing those while fixing bugs along the way. We are doing a crush test on the blockchain and network this weekend to make sure we can't break it. After that we have to install our block explorer and update github with our source code for exchange compliance.
If all goes well, assuming no major bugs, after this weekend we will know when we will be releasing our wallets to the public!

We have major marketing news for APR coming up and the information will be released after we are listed on an exchange. Through the teams connections we will be taking APR mainstream quicker than previously thought!  We are excited to see APR and APR Loyalty (the official use case) discussed via TV, Radio, and digital media soon. We have also confirmed promotion via a HUGE media platform that we will be announcing sooner than anticipated!

Thank you again for all being patient, we are very excited to release this product to the community as it will have new and better features installed to help with ease of use.  We are making great progress as developing any project with unique functions, it does take time. Have a great Thursday!

* Please find screenshots of the Windows wallet version currently being tested below. *

On behalf of APRCoin
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