
Topic: [ANN] APR Coin [PIVX FORK] Masternode | Payment Method Adoption - page 18. (Read 31884 times)

Activity: 39
Merit: 0
I'm sure your project will be a great success Smiley Smiley
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
Official Ukrainian Translation


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Peaльнe cвiтoвe зacтocyвaня:
Moнeтa APR пишaєтьcя тим, щo цe пepший пpoeкт y Crypto Space, який зocepeджyєтьcя нa гaлyзi yпpaвлiння лoяльними нaгopoдaми

Гpyпa APR в дaний чac пoчaлa poбoтy нaд poзpoбкoю тa впpoвaджeнням пpoгpaмнoгo гaмaнця для винaгopoди зa лoяльнicть, a тaкoж для фiлiй y peaльнoмy cвiтi тa їxнix пpoгpaм з бaлaми paзoм з MasterPool для APR Coin. Кopиcтyвaчi змoжyть yвiйти в мoбiльний aбo вeб-вepciю цьoгo гaмaнця (oкpeмo вiд мoнeти APR) тa кepyвaти вciмa їxнiми пpoгpaмaми лoяльнocтi в oднoмy пpocтoмy iнтepфeйci.

Кopиcтyвaчi тaкoж змoжyть oбмiнювaтиcя тoчкaми тa милями мiж peaльними пpoгpaмaми винaгopoд aфiлiйoвaниx ociб тa APR Coin зa дoпoмoгoю влacнoгo APR MasterExchange. Bиплaти зa пoкyпки тa пoдapyнкoвi кapтки бyдyть нacтiльки ж пpocтими. Boни змoжyть poзтaшoвyвaти тoчки aбo милi в peaльнoмy cвiтi пpoгpaм лoяльнocтi, щo викopиcтoвyютьcя в APR MasterPool, зaпaтeнтoвaнoмy cтaтичнoмy пyлi, щoб зaпoбiгти зaкiнчeння тepмiнy дiї зaзнaчeниx пyнктiв. Пiд чac збepiгaння мoнeт y APR MasterPool кopиcтyвaчi змoжyть oтpимyвaти APR Rewards, виxoдячи iз знaчeння їxньoї мepeжi.

Peaлiзaцiя цьoгo peaльнoгo cвiтy, якa щe мaє бyти нaзвaнa, бyдe дocтyпнoю нe лишe вeликим poздpiбним тopгoвцям i кoмпaнiям, aлe й мaлим пiдпpиємcтвaм. Cтвopeнo cпeцiaльний API, який дoзвoлить дiлoвим кoмпaнiям cтвopювaти i пpиєднaтиcя дo пpoгpaми лoяльнocтi дo пpoгpaмнoгo гaмaнця «Haгopoди зa лoяльнicть» тa oбмiнy.

Iнфopмaцiя пpo мoнeти APR
APR Coin тeпep бyдe мoдифiкoвaнoю вилкoю PIVX. Цe piшeння бyлo зpoблeнo з oглядy нa вимoги гpoмaдcькocтi тa дoтpимaння oбмiнiв. Moнeтa вce oднo мaтимe вci 5 нaгopoдниx пpoгpaм тa мoнeт, cпeцифiкaцiя викoнaнa, як пepeдбaчeнo.

Гaмaнцi для вcix тpьox oпepaцiйниx cиcтeм (Windows, Mac i Linux) мaтимyть як POS, тaк i Masternode фyнкцioнaльнi мoжливocтi.

Дoдaткoвa Masternode зaлишaтимeтьcя з 3000 мoнeтaми APR.

Щoб бeзпocepeдньo пpoвecти пpивaтнy тopгiвлю, бyдь лacкa, зв'яжiтьcя з нaми пo eлeктpoннiй пoштi: [email][email protected] [/ email] aбo пpиєднyйтecь дo Discord i PM APRKING.

Пpoдaж зaкiнчитьcя чepeз 7 днiв пicля тoгo, як вci 3 гaмaнцi OC вийдyть, aбo якщo бyдe дocягнyтий Soft Cap.

Cпpaвeдливий cтapт poзпoчнeтьcя пicля випycкy 3-x гaмaнцiв OC.

Кoжeн, xтo пpидбaє APP дo змiни цiни, oтpимaє пoдвiйнy їx пepвиннy дocтaвкy мoнeт. Mи зв'яжeмocя бeзпocepeдньo з вaми, щoб пiдтвepдити.

Як oбгoвopювaлocь з нaшими кoнcyльтaнтaми, включaючи POS Monkey, ми виpiшили cпaлити вci нeпpoдaнi мoнeти з пpoдaжy. Цe бyдe зpoблeнo з мeтoю збepeжeння вapтocтi мoнeти, a тaкoж цiлicнocтi пpoeктy.

APR Coin - цe мoдифiкoвaнa вилкa PIVX.

Ha дaний мoмeнт 3,000+ чeнiв!






Telegram Chat

Oфiцiйнi APR мoнeти Бayнтi & Reward Poзпoдiл:
Youtube oгляд бayнтi: 1 APR мoнeтa (зa 500 пiдпиciв, мaкcимyм 20 APR Coin)
Reddit бayнтi: 1 APR мoнeтa зa пocти (пiдтвepджeння пepeдньoї cтopiнки нa subreddit)
Twitter peпocти: 0.1 APR мoнeтa зa пocти (зa 500 пiдпиcyвaчiв)
Twitter пocти: 0.1 APR мoнeтa зa пocти (зa 500 пiдпиcyвaчiв)
Facebook бayнтi: 0.1 APR мoнeтa зa пocти (зa of 50 aкцiй)
Instagram бayнтi: 0.1 APR мoнeтa зa пocти (зa 100 лaйкiв)

Bci викoнaнi бayнтi i дoкaзи пoвиннi бyти пoдaнi тa зaтвepджeнi кoмaндoю.
To do so, please send proof to through Official Discord to @APRKING or [email protected]

Пpиєднyйтecь дo нaшoгo фopyмy, зaxoдьтe щoб зapeєcтpyвaтиcя.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Hello everyone,

In order to reassure the community of the legitimacy of the project and long term commitment of our team, we have removed any block rewards for Founders of the project, the Marketing team and Team Wallet. Instead, we will be basing our block rewards distribution as follows:

70% Masternodes
20% POS Rewards
6% Proof of Hold Rewards (Bi-annual)
4% Founder Investors (Private Sale Purchasers)

We are committed to the APR Project and ensuring that its use case is successfully implemented and that all holders of APR Coin are rewarded.


APR Team

Awesome news! This project will be off the chain! Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 546
Merit: 253
White Paper has been updated and uploaded to the site with the use case summary page. A separate webpage will be made available shortly describing in detail the use case and API that will be created
Activity: 294
Merit: 10
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
Is there no trading channel ? to  my understanding the presale is over and currently no exchange yet  Huh

Hello gerald246kru,

The private sale is still on-going, you may inquire to purchase by emailing us at [email protected] or by contacting @APR KING#5732 in the official Discord server.

The private sale pricing will end after all 3 OS (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) wallets are released and the 7 day fair start has ended.

We will be listed on Coin Exchange 24-48 hours after the 7 day fair start period completes. The express application process is underway and we look forward to having APR on a reputable exchange.


APR Team

Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Excited about the expedited listing!  24 hours after fair start ends, we'll see APR traded!
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
When announcement who selected for this random Twitter giveaway? I mean when published the winner list Huh

Hi Bennie4,

The winners of the randomized giveaways will be announced on Twitter, Discord and all of our social media profiles.

Anyone conducting their own giveaway will be responsible for communicating at their behest.


APR Team
Activity: 191
Merit: 10
Discord Announcements

We are now at 125,000 coins sold so far! Roughly around 40 MN and alot of Stakers!

Another 75+ MN or 225,000 more coins to be sold immediately once wallet's are released!

Remember there is a que (waiting list) to receive coins and it can take almost 24hrs+ now due to demand.

Thank you all for your belief and faith in APR! We are working hard to get everything finished as soon as possible to launch fair start!
Activity: 322
Merit: 10
we are proud of the first global decentralized Ecosystems program we first came to know and linked e-commerce merchants first
for offline sales and subscribers equally.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Fish fish - you my friend, are an idiot. That is all.

APR is going to be the best MN coin we've seen in a LONG time, with major real use case behind it. If you ain't interested, fine. But stop spreading worthless FUD if you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Now piss off and GTFO here!


You are a straight noob (by looking at your post history and obvious naivety in regards to crypto) but good luck if you think this project will succeed. It could. It is possible. But I want to play devils advocate and show new people a different perspective. As is my right on a public forum.

Well done for speaking out and going against the grain.
Fools will learn the hard way that FUD and pointing out TRUTHS is completely different.

I can't believe how bad it has gotten. Poor people are the target too.
No one who does research would proceed with "investing" in such a project.
The target is the fools who can barely scrape together the funds and while doing so, while euphoric on the promised returns... completely skip over the part that matters most. They fall for the marketing and become another victim.

copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
Say WHAAAT??? $5 or $8 or $10 a coin ... whatever it is!

Get outta heah!

Some of the BEST ICOs with products and services and well-seasoned veteran executive management team and stellar well-known advisory board are NOT even trying to get $5 a coin.

You guys have been drinking your own kool-aid and eating your own dog-food.

You're just a staking coin ... nothing more.  

But you do have some big kahunas though. But those balls are gonna be deflated soon.

Best to you. Laughing Out Loud as I whistle dixie ...

p.s. PIVX is $5.36 and is seasoned...


Hi dababe,

First off, we appreciate you taking out the time to read our announcement. Your time is important to us.

We are conducting a private sale via email and Discord. There have been over 70,000 coins sold, with a wait list of over 50 MN sales upon wallet release.

The purpose of the coin is to be a long-term wealth generator with loyalty being rewarded bi-annually. There are also 4 different reward platforms in addition.

We also appreciate the best wishes and hope you take time to view our Discord if time permits.


APR Team
Activity: 224
Merit: 21
When announcement who selected for this random Twitter giveaway? I mean when published the winner list Huh
Activity: 164
Merit: 0
Ukrainian translatian reserved
Ukrainian translatian done
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
Hello everyone! What's in the news headlines today  Huh

Hi Duke944,

APR is proud to announce that our project is the first in the crypto space to focus on the Loyalty Rewards Management industry.

The APR Team has currently begun work on the design and implementation of a proprietary loyalty rewards program wallet and for real world affiliates and their points programs along with a MasterPool for APR Coin. Users will be able to login to the mobile or web version of this loyalty program management wallet (separate from their APR Coin staking wallets) and manage all of their loyalty programs in one simple interface.

Users will also be able to exchange points and miles between real-world affiliate reward programs and APR Coin through the proprietary APR MasterExchange. Redemption for shopping and gift cards will be just as simple. They will be able to park real world loyalty program points or miles in the APR MasterPool, a proprietary staking pool, to prevent said points from expiring. While storing coins in the APR MasterPool, users will earn APR Rewards based off of their network weight.

This real world implementation, yet to be named, will accessible by not only large retailers and companies, but small businesses as well. A custom API will be created to allow businesses globally to create and connect to their loyalty program to the APR loyalty rewards program wallet and exchange.


APR Team
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
A few day's ago I see FORNIX coin. POS Monkey have supported FORNIX, and now, Dev's run away...

Today I see this coin... and I see POS Monkey...

and every day the marmot greets
with a new Masternode scam coin  Cheesy

Hello nuna,

We take our reputation very seriously, as we are keenly focused on having a quality real world use-case implementation (please see updated ANN).

We have implemented a #coin-awareness channel on our Official Discord Server: that helps our community stay at the forefront of scam awareness.

If at any point, our community feels that there is someone who is legitimately damaging our reputation, we will take action provided proper evidence and discussion.


APR Team
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
one month no exchenge exchange hm Huh

Hi sefirotius,

APR Coin will be listed on Coin Exchange ( 24-48 hours after the 7 day fair start period completes.

The express application process is underway, with funds allocated for the express listing, and we look forward to having APR on a reputable exchange.

We look to ensure that there are no issues with our OS wallets, so we are extensively testing them. Once they are released (estimated for this weekend), the 7 day fair start begins.


APR Team
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
Any airdrop planned?

Hi AirdropNinja,

We will not be running any airdrops officially. If coin holders choose to do so, that is completely up to them.


APR Team
Activity: 208
Merit: 15
A few day's ago I see FORNIX coin. POS Monkey have supported FORNIX, and now, Dev's run away...

Today I see this coin... and I see POS Monkey...

and every day the marmot greets
with a new Masternode scam coin  Cheesy
copper member
Activity: 119
Merit: 4
Charging more than double than actual PivX.

Hi TokenZ,

We truly appreciate your discussion.

Due to community feedback, a few days into the initial sale, we updated price of $5USD/1 APR Coin.

There are over 70,000 coins sold with over 50 MN on a wait list upon wallet release.


APR Team
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