Thankyou for the quick reply. I have read the previous messgage and tbh it is a very vauge and understated e-mail / exscuse. But never mind. I will give you guys a little more info. The pool will up and runnig for beta this weekend. More details on that over our inital testing. I myself mined UTC from day one. But myself and paul ( business partner ) decided to sell most of our farm and we have concentrated solely on sha 256 asic machines and built it up at a steady and strong pace.we are now in a position allthough new members to bitcointalk we are not new to the crypto scene to help in the efforts of UTC, and help it to achieve its full potential. Our site tba will to start with not be the prettiest as we have worked on the backend more than front of shop :-) but it does what it says on the tin. We are also in the process of having it setup to auto payout unlike the cryptotrain pool that was done manually and at irregular times. We are aiming from the getgo to have a fully automated system. We will be following cryptotrains mehod to start with and having a ZERO pool fee, but wr have discussed and the maximum this will ever increase to will be 1.5% and one more thing we have started to discuss is the possibility of people donating as it does happen. If our miners start to do this we will eneter the donating miners into a sweepstake every week/fortnight/month whatever we think is best to win the pot. We are all here to make money but at the samr time we ALL can give a little something extra and this is our way :-)
Thanks craig (bigd)
I love your idea.
It would be great if you can make a new UTC multipool.
But to be honest, if you only ask 1,5% pool fee you don't make it unless you get many many miners on the multipool.
The cost for maintenance and hosting cost (like dedicated server) etc wil cost you a lot.
An multipool needs, IMHO, at least enough miners equal to 4 or 5 GH's at the minimum to break even.
Cryptotrain reach't never more then 1 GH and it was only for a view days on that top with miners.
Anyway.... lets hope you can make a good an professional multipool.
I will put my rigs on it.
I will even gladly pay 2% or 3% pool fee and will do some extra donations .....