IMHO they do/did what they promised for UTC, maybe you have to look deeper and better to see what is going on.
In the very near future our team will start with more intensive marketing and want to coordinate those marketing actions together with you all.
==>>They did a great job with the appointment of Steven/Rapture as marketing and pr manager. So all these things are started already or are in progress.
1. We will pay for a certain amount for developments and applications out of our investment wallet
==>> First don’t forget this team stepped in after months and then take over when there was a big hassle in the old team. Next to that they had never any profit from the pre-mining or they were never stakeholders from the beginning (except bumface). They pay from their own private pocket for develop, maintenance, VPS service and cloudflare for the pools. I happen to know the pool fee's aren’t near enough to break even. Also they pay for different developer jobs from their own pocket (wallet updates and for future dev jobs as the android wallet/minecraft). They never ask to the community for donations (till now). Also this paul1r did do in the past many big BTC donations for getting UTC on cryptsy, mintpal, coinpayments and he donated for more different good cases like the Sweden convention to support UTC. So we can therefore conclude that the new team is paying and donating big time for UTC. Thus, in fact we can more or less say that they pay also for you and me.
2. We put a large amount of our mining farms R9-290’s on to the MultiPool
==>> To which multipool ? For some mysterious reason the pool dev stopped the multipool a view weeks ago and disappeard. There is nothing the team could do about that. So at this moment nobody can put any rigs to any multipool.
3. We will put a large amount of our future 800MH/s of Asic miners on to the MultiPool
==> Maybe you don’t know.... but the new Asics from different companies are still not shipped and delivered. Even now there seems to be some scam's going on with some companies so how can they put any Asics on to serve UTC at the moment ?
4. We will invest strategic and professional management time and energy to UTC next to our daily management jobs in our own company’s
==> I trust them that they are doing that all the time in to the background. I happen to know they are on holiday with their families so guess that’s why they are a little quit at the moment.
5. We will use our connections in marketing and management and will promote to benefit UTC
6. We are part of an exclusive investor group and will use this to benefit UTC as much as possible
==> Guess this will take serious time to create and do. Also Rome was not built in a day.
Well is it wrong of me to ask questions about what I/we were promised.
I sold all my UTC because the lack of awareness and how UTC was been managed. Then bought back in when I heard of new owners promising the above. So is it wrong I ask you to do what you promised investors.
I think there is still plenty in the pipeline and yet to come.
IMHO, these guys paul1r, bumface and fabietech are no crooks and they are not trying to enrich themselves.
They are still here working and serving UTC even in bad times so they are thrustworthy.
Look around in this Wild West crypto world, then you see other coin teams where it is much more worse ...
I believe that those guys from the team are doing a great job and that they do what they promise, don’t you think also now ?