Excited to see bancor listed tomorrow. I am going to buy some bancor. Hopefully, it won't be more expensive than 0.02 eth
Maybe in a few weeks once the hype subside.
hello mates, may i know at where exchange that bancor will be available?
im planning to buy if there's any. because im late in participating the ico.
Official Bancor Buy/Sell Guide
Now that the Bancor Network Token (BNT) smart contract is live, any user at any time may buy/sell BNT directly through the BNT smart contract. The community is encouraged to remain vigilant against those looking to take advantage of this event for scamming users out of ETH/BNT. This blog and the Bancor.Network website are the only authoritative sources for information pertaining to Bancor and BNT.
Read more on the Activation of the BNT Smart Token here: https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-network-token-bnt-activation-e1766b62a73d
Before you start, please locate the following and make sure you have them available for the next steps of the process.
- BNT token contract address (will be revealed)
- EtherToken contract address (will be revealed)
- BancorChanger contract address (will be revealed)
- EtherToken contract ABI
- BancorChanger contract ABI
Please note that all images use demo details. Do not try to use the addresses indicated in the images.
Any other addresses provided should be regarded as scams and should be reported to us here and emailed to [email protected] with subject: “Scam Alert”.How to buy / sell / transfer BNT:
1. Directly through the BNT smart token: (address will be on site, in blog)
2. Using Parity:
https://blog.bancor.network/how-to-trade-your-bnt-using-parity-6061dca37354 3. Using My Ether Wallet:
https://blog.bancor.network/how-to-trade-your-bnt-on-myetherwallet-bd91ebd78c9d The Bancor Protocol
Bancor Network Token (BNT) Activation
The Bancor Network Token activation event is planned for
Thursday, June 22 at 2pm GMT.