BitBean Digital Cash Give-Away for Team Bean If your an owner of 2 million or more BitBean, I would like to offer you a gift of one of these BitBean Digital Cash cards with serialized seals, as a thank-you for being an investor and supporter of the BitBean ecosystem, as part of Team Bean.
Simply email me (
[email protected]) your BitBean address(s) that you own. I'll then ask you to send a specific small micro-donation to Team Bean's address, to verify your ownership. Once your verified, and I have an address, I'll ship out 1 of the serialized, sealed BitBean Digital Cash at no cost (to you) via USPS.
Bean Core will be unveiling some new developments throughout this year, which will be announced when ready. Thank you for being a part of Team Bean!
BitBean is over 2 years old. A special thank you to those who have stuck with us from the beginning! "Beans Stick Together!"
Shawn Kent
Director of Operations, Project Manager, Lead Developer
Bean Core, Team Bean, BitBean"BitBean..Fast..Simple..Secure..More Than Just Digital Cash!"