Yes, this is the address, I read somewhere large amounts don't sprout well, and somewhere else a suggestion of between 1000 and 10000.
Really being new I was taking a guess to get started and now have lost a heap of coins :-(
Is your sync process complete? Restart the wallet. No solution? Then backup/copy your wallet.dat file in the path
C:\Users\[YOUR NAME]\AppData\Roaming\bitbean
to a other folder or data medium and delete all files and dirs in this folder
Start the wallet and sync
with ~200k I would split the Balance in 20-50k packages.
But with 200k it is overpace to split the balance in two or three days you have automaticaly a size of ~25k - ~50k packages
You send the beans from a Exchange (2EbbxW49oP4LvTrnCSR161AZeMx53oG3bY) to your wallet? Which Exchange and have you confirmed all withdrawal-Mails? If your Transfer the coins from one adress into another adress in your own wallet to fast I belive you send the same coins without a confirmation multiple times, restart or resync helps. (double spending)
Yes exchange to wallet, Cryptopia. Email was confirmed and balance seen in wallet confirmed.
I think after waiting a couple of days to get wallet synced first time I was too keen and a little too fast about things.
Wallet restart did not work but re-sync did. Fortunately, this time thanks to Kiklo updating the snapshot it was really quick :-) Thanks Kiklo for saving some grief here! :-)
The wallet now shows the right balance - I have gained 3 conflicted transactions in this learning process.
Thanks Membercount+1 for assisting me here :-)
I am not understanding the automatic part but I guess that will come in time.