Over 300,000 BitBean will be given away on Twitter between now and the launch of BitBean Core v1.1.2!
Re-tweet #Bitbean $BITB #digitalcash #TeamBeanOnFire
You'll need to get the attention of our TwitterTeam (there are 3), that are monitoring Twitter for the hashtags: #Bitbean $BITB #digitalcash #TeamBeanOnFire
If your active, they will see you. If you still havn't received a reward, Re-Tweet another Tweet again.
250 BitBean are being paid out per Tweet/Re-tweet. It is up to the discretion of the TwitterTeam to pay a Re-Tweet, so make your Tweets and Re-Tweets authentic and unique and make sure you use the right hashtags!
How does someone get paid? as i just got a notification on Twitter saying:
Not sure what this means as this is not my BitBean address and I didn't even know about this promotion until now and have had a couple of my tweets re-tweeted. by the way my Twitter handle is @cryptotrader85
Payments are made via our Twitter Bot. We have a Twitter Team that looks for Tweets with the aforementioned hashtags. 250 BitB are tipped to re-tweets that have: #Bitbean $BITB #digitalcash #TeamBeanOnFire