Good day, does opening my wallet consume much of my data ? also, how much bitbeans do I need to start sprouting?
If you want to SPROUT, you should leave your Wallet open all the time. Same with mining Bitcoin, you have to be "hashing" all the time to be able to earn block rewards. BitBean SPROUTing has a much higher ROI than a similar investment in Bitcoin mining hardware and electricity.
To earn regular SPROUTs daily,with 1M+ BITB, you can expect 2,000-4,000 BitBean (or 2-4 SPROUTs) daily if you keep your node active and SPROUTing each day.
To be eligible to SPROUT, the total transaction to your wallet must be greater than 1,000 BITB. BitBeans need to mature for 6 hours before they are eligible to compete for SPROUTs.
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