Intelligent folks will keep their ear to the rail and be ready on the 10th of September, see Beijing
You clearly are worried because your clinging on to this like your life depends on it and you never answered my question
After this event if the market remains the same or BCH drops further behind what will you keep posting about then because right now it seems this is all you have
What question, you keep diverting off topic (BCC is topic, Bitcoin heritage, not segwit)
If you want to talk segwit, go to those threads and ask me there where I will not respond because I have no interest discussing the future of someone's concept of which they have no vested/staked interest in the coin themselves (see Johnny)
These guys openly say they won't fight for crypto outside of whining on youtube (see Tone) yet we are to follow them?
I will follow those who have been promoting Bitcoin from inception, the way it has been made successful, not perverted vision of big bank investors.
Bitkan September 10th in Beijing. Binance and Dash are organizers. To ignore this historic event is your choice, feel free, but to say one is worried is ridiculous, now you look foolish and worried as it is you trolls in the BCC thread spreading fud, won't find me in segwit threads I'm afraid thank you.